File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 421

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:49:45 GMT
Subject: Re: anarchism and the international system

Roger made an international comparison with 

>a gang of skinheads beating an immigrant

and said that my attitude amounted to

>we can't be bothered to merely save your ass, black boy

Roger is learning lhe lying techniques of his NATO masters 
quite well. Of course I do intervene in situations like that.
I have a long history of opposing racism and fascism.
When racism and fascism were on the rise in the UK
in the Seventies, and when in 1977 the National Front 
attempted to march down some racially mixed streets 
in south London, I played a part in stopping them,
in what the press called "The Battle of Lewisham".
I have seen racist skinheads running for their lives.
That victory against racism and fascism set the cause
of the far right back at least ten years in this country.
So I don't need any lectures from Roger about
fighting against racists. 

But at that time I lived in London. I was fighting
on my own home turf. Nowadays, if anybody wants
me to go all the way to distant London, they have
to give me a bloody good reason. As for the Balkans
    -    it would have to be one  _helluva_  good reason.
So far, neither Roger nor anybody else has given me
one. And, as it turns out, our Roger can't even think 
of a good enough reason to persuade  _himself_
to go there. 



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