File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 423

Date: Tue, 13 Apr 99 10:56:25 EDT
From: "Brian J. Callahan" <Brian=J.=Callahan%MT%DFCI-AT-EYE.DFCI.HARVARD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Rambouillet-draft agreement (was Germany and the KLA)

Nico writes:
>And we can for example proclaim to build up voluntary para-
>military forces like the international brigades in Spain 1936/37, who are
>independent from any state try to support and to defend the people in con-
>sistence to the international law in a region of crisis against genocide,
>carnages and ethnic cleansing (as a NGO). 

I'm all for that, but I believe it's illegal for a US citizens to join or 
financially support such paramilitary groups.  Anyone know for sure?  That 
would be a logistical roadblock.  Also, it would be necessary for the 
Kosovars to *want* these international brigades, as the the Spanish did in 
the 1930's.  Otherwise, it'd lead to more violence for no good purpose.  I'm 
sure the Kosovars want help, but would they accept, f'rinstance, a left-wing 
or anarchist paramilitary group?  I dunno.  Nico, what do the Croatian 
anarchists you talk to think about this idea?  Heard of any Albanian or 
Kosovar anarchists?

Anyway, if there's an anarchist brigade that would actually be welcome, I'll 
go...if it's legal of course...I would never do anything illegal...guvmint 
agents, note well. 

Of course, let's not forget one big advantage Franco's forces had was air 
superiority, so would we urge NATO to leave completely or set up a no-fly 
zone?  I fear that Kosovar and international irregulars would be crushed by 
the Yugoslav forces if NATO kept out completely.  

So, Carpo, do you think you could lay your hands on a used F-15 if you had 
to?  No questions asked...


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