File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 429

Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 12:23:52 -0800
From: "Robert Dean" <>
Subject: war....terrible war

   There is no cohesion between the forces of the left. Anarchists, communists, and socialists should be sitting in Times Square, blocking traffic and disrupting the building next an act of civil disobediance against the government that is continuing an unjust war...
   There is no regard for anarchists, because they never do anything...if 1000 sit in times square how can they not be noticed.  And if they are joined by 4000 communists and 5000 socialists?  
   I know this is idealistic, but if I could ever get a comprehensive list of organizations in the NYC area I would gladly contact them, and I would take part in the sit in.  
   This unjust imperialist war, how can it be supported by the American people?  Because the American people are ignorant.  No offense to the people on this list.  Most people won't make the connection that we are killing innocent serbs to free innocent kosvoars.  The government is only presenting one side of the situation, as it always is.  Anarchists and communists always sit around, well, I don't want to do that anymore, don't any of you???
   Even if you reform the Comitern with only 26 people, it is still the Comitern...isn't it.  The revolutionary philosphies will only be powerful if they are know, so we should take every possible instance to push our belief systems.  
   If you are dissolutioned with the current imperialist war, then let people know!

Max Dean
I know that was a bunch of ideological bs...

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