File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 433

Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 17:39:51 -0700
From: "Senex R. Rupicapra" <>
Subject: Re: war....terrible war

Robert Dean wrote:
>    There is no cohesion between the forces of the left.
> Anarchists, communists, and socialists should be sitting
> in Times Square, blocking traffic and disrupting the
> building next an act of
> civil disobediance against the government that is continuing
> an unjust war...

	please to differentiate twixt anarcs, commies, and
socies.  seems a definition o terms is in order here.  be
thou a wee bit confused, laddie?

>    There is no regard for anarchists, because they never
> do anything...

	coming onto a anarc list and saying "anarchists...
never do anything..." is kinda like walking into a pub and 
opining that 'them what drink be stupid,' neh?  personally,
there be some anarcs i got a great deal o regard for and
there be others i wouldnt piss on were they ablaze.

> if 1000 sit in times square how can they not be noticed.  

	kinda depends on the time o day, dont it?

> And if they are joined by 4000 communists and 5000
> socialists?

	depending on the personnel y could wind up in 
one big cat fight.  specially if the commies and the 
socies be statists.

>    I know this is idealistic, but if I could ever get
> a comprehensive list of organizations in the NYC area
> I would gladly contact them, and I would take part in
> the sit in.

	why dont y, then?  i'm sure they're out and about.

>    This unjust imperialist war, how can it be supported
> by the American people?  

	yeah, like, i only support *just* imperialist wars.

>                         Because the American people are
> ignorant.  

	why just single out Americans?  seems that there be 
ignorance aplenty out there--amongst all races, creeds,
ethnicities, and nationalities.  most folk be self-absorbed
til hardship bites 'em in the arse.  the prollem be that the
hardships aint all that evenly distributed.  we gotta make 
sure that if everbody aint happy aint nobody happy and if 
everbody aint free aint nobody free.  capice?

> No offense to the people on this list.  Most
> people won't make the connection that we are killing
> innocent serbs to free innocent kosvoars.  

	more folk might care if either side was really

>                                        The government
> is only presenting one side of the situation, as it
> always is.  
	yeah, that's what govts do--they lie.  it's the
nature o the beast.  expect it, and y'll be harder to 

> Anarchists and communists always sit around, well, I
> don't want to do that anymore, don't any of you???

	now it's anarcs and commies doing the sitting.
are we to infer from this that y be a socialist?

>    Even if you reform the Comitern with only 26 people,
> it is still the Comitern...isn't it.  The revolutionary
> philosphies will only be powerful if they are known, so
> we should take every possible instance to push our belief
> systems.

	yeah, well, for one thing we gotta stop just only 
preaching to the choir.  get yr soapbox, Max, and find y a 
busy corner--and the best o luck to y.

>    If you are dissolutioned with the current imperialist
> war, then let people know!

	actually, what's the most disillusioning is reality.
war is hell and, most o the time, unnecessary.  as long as 
there be states there will be wars.  hell, mebbe so long as 
there be human beans there'll be wars.

> Max Dean
> ---ps
> I know that was a bunch of ideological bs...

	well, son, y're entitled as much as the rest o us. 3;o)>

	old goat.
       "He only earns his freedom and life
	who daily conquers them anew." --Goethe


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