File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 454

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 16:59:42 GMT
Subject: Why Tony Needed A War

Do you remember I pointed out that one reason
the British government were so keen on having
a war, and why the UK was being the most belligerent
member of NATO, was because of the election
campaign for the Scottish parliament ?

That wimp Clinton would never have had the nerve
to go ahead with a war without the Brits. We are 
embarked on what looks like being a long European 
war so Tony Blair can win an election in Scotland.

Well, it worked. The opinion polls had been showing
the SNP neck-and-neck with the Labour Party, but
now they show very strong support for the government's 
warlike behaviour and for the great war leader Blair.
The Scottish National Party's peacenik attitude
has been highly unpopular. Most people appear
to agree with the government that Alex Salmond
will be "The Toast of Belgrade" for his anti-war
speech. The threat of the Labour Party being
defeated in an election by the SNP has receded.
It looks like the United Kingdom will continue
to exist for at least another four years.



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