File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 492

From: "Adam Reinardy" <>
Subject: Re: to all you americans
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 12:37:48 PDT

>Subject: Re: to all you americans
>Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 23:59:08 EDT
>In a message dated 4/8/99 1:01:54 PM EST, writes:
><< to all people who are residing withing america, i ask a question. is it 
> that the supreme court recently passed something that states that it is now 
> legal and proper for police to search your car without a warrent? 
> ~kyan >>
>Not yet, but it is legal if there is a crack in your window (whY?!?!) or if 
>they have reasonable cause.  If you refuse the search it doesn't mean they 
>can't have a K-9 walk a circle around your car.  Around here they also tend 
>to harrass people.  Personally, they said my pupils were blow and asked to 
>search my car.  I said no problem since I didn't have anything illegal.  No 
>harm right? Wrong. After searching my car and tearing open a bag of bird 
>seed, emtying its contents, throwing  papers randomly over the floor, and 
>breaking my CD case, they gave me TWO sobriety tests.   Then they let me go 
>home.  One stopped my friend, and asked him a million and one questions like 
>"Where have you been,' 'Where are you goin,' 'Who is your girlfriend,' 'What 
>do her parents do for a living,' 'What is her address,' 'Have you been 
>drinking,' 'Who are your parents and siblings,' etc.  Tends to be great here. 
> And they why we call them pigs, 50, bacon, etc.  Damn punk teenagers 
>transportating bird seed.
No shit!  Two fuckin' K9 pigs scrached the hell out of my doors.  when 
?ed the pigs said they get back to me about buffing the doors.  No 
reply yet.  Oh, and incense is as bad as pot in their eyes. fuck'em

Adam Reinardy (all around nicafiend) 


"It's not enough to accuse to wail and spit on the face of all 
oppression"  Luis Rodrigue: Always Running 





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