File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 505

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:52:48 -0700
From: Robert Cherwink <>

thankx2: "David Crockett Williams"
Subject: 2 Messages, Sacred Peace Pipe Keeper, Prayers for World Peace
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 18:23:45 -0700

   April, 1999
  *From Chief Arvol Looking Horse :
  My name is Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Lakota, Dakota, and
  Nakota Nation, I would like to share a viewpoint about the "Ethnic
  Cleansing", mass killing of innocent people in Yugoslavia.
  I am the Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe of Peace, a
  gift of a sacred bundle given nineteen generations ago to my people
  providing guidance of teachings for assurance of Peace within our
  The White Buffalo Calf Woman gave this gift of the Sacred Pipe
  providing guidance of teachings for assurance of Peace within 
  our lives.  Along with these teachings of this Sacred Pipe of Peace, 
  has been prophecies passed down from significant people who walked 
  their harmony.  They based their lives on teachings given from 
  sacred bundles, such as the Sacred Buffalo Calf Pipe or many other 
  gifts of bundles and teachings from the Creator.
  They foretold of these times of great change, which coincide with
  many other Nations' archives recording their own Prophecies.  The 
  reality of the accuracy of these Prophecies which has predicted events 
  upon Mother Earth, as well as the history of our own people, have come 
  to pass, so we have learned to pay attention.
  There are foretold Prophecies of a very dark time, more significant
  than any other times in History.  We will be at a crossroads in which a
  dark cloud will envelop the earth, chaos and diseases will erupt and we
  will witness blood from our relatives' eyes.
  Humankind has to make a decision and have courage to make a stand
  for Peace, even when their relatives' minds are restrained from
  spiritual awareness of healing the mind.  We still have a chance to 
  choose to make a change.
  Mother Earth is a living spirit that clothes, feeds and nourishes
  all walks of life, but when fighting erupts, the land and life cease to
  flourish, as well as the spirit of humankind.
  Mother Earth needs our help!  I call upon the World to Pray at once
  for Peace, to make your stand spiritually, you must see the ignorance 
  of this situation in Yugoslavia will only make us blinder to our own
  empowerment of making a positive change for our next generations to
  Pray with me every day at 10:00 AM Central Time for a peaceful
  resolution to this continuing destruction of the World.  You must
  realize this "disease of the mind" will spread even faster, if we 
  don't take control of our behavior.
  I have been initiating an event called "World Peace and Prayer Day"
  to bring awareness of these times by uniting the world spiritually on
  June 21st, praying at the sacred sites, for Global Healing, this being
  the fourth year to the South in Costa Rica.
  When this day arrives, please pilgrimage to your local sacred site
  and continue the daily praying that has been done at the time of 10:00
  AM Central Time.  This is an invitation to the Serbian and Yugoslavian
  representatives to participate, whether it be in Costa Rica or at
  your own sacred place of prayer.
  Please begin to learn to understand the meaning of "Walking in
  Harmony and Peace" in having the courage to transform our spiritual
  consciousness to love and compassion!  This is the real challenge and 
  courage in life.  As one of our spiritual leaders, Black Elk once said: 
  "One who walks a dark road is distracted, who is ruled by his senses and 
  who lives for himself, rather than for his people".  Please "Look upon 
  your children, with their children in their arms, that they may face the 
  winds and walk to the day of quiet."
  From which there is no beginning and no ending in the Sacred Hoop
  of Life, I am sending you this message of Peace from my heart and the
  sacred altar, may our prayers for Peace be heard, may peace with you
  Hetcetuyelo! Mitakuye Oyasin (all my relations),
   Chief Arvol Looking Horse,
   19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe of Peace

      June 21, 1999
   As keeper of the 19th generation Sacred White Buffalo Pipe of 
   Peace, I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Lakota, Nakota and 
   Dakota Nation, would like to invite the world to recognize 
   June 21st as a day of prayer for global healing. Our traditional 
   indigenous ways are the way to strengthen our bonds and healing 
   for our Mother Earth. We are the "root nation", Hutkan Oyate, 
   with responsibility to turn the life of our Mother Earth around. 
   It is now evident, with even the scientific findings, that our 
   course is leading to the endangerment of our tired Mother Earth. 
   We are now in the midst of what is prophesied as the crossroads,
   faced with either disaster, chaos, diseases, with tears from our 
   relatives' (Mitakuye Oyasin) eyes, or uniting spiritually with 
   all nations upon Mother Earth.
   This is a calling for the world to seek out the sacred sites and 
   bring awareness to the energy and connection that exists there to
   our Mother Earth. In the past, there has been clear research 
   findings of people coming together spiritually, praying for a 
   healing, and our Mother Earth responded with a visible positive 
   energy shift.
   This year we are completing the circle to the South direction in 
   Costa Rica. This journey started in 1996 at Gray Horn Butte, 
   Wyoming and circled to the North in 1997, to the Cree Nation of 
   the Joseph Big Head Reservation, and then to the East at the 
   Sacred Pipestone Quarries in 1998. Costa Rica has been chosen as 
   the Southern site to complete the circle because of the need to 
   support what is already established there with the efforts of the
   University of Peace and its non-military existence. We are 
   inviting the surrounding Indigenous Peoples of the South and all 
   Indigenous people of the world to either join us or go to their 
   sacred site if it is not possible to journey to Costa Rica.
   According to our star knowledge, June 21st is a time to pray. We 
   have this only chance to unite spiritually. In our way there is 
   no beginning and no ending to continue to work toward peace and 
   harmony for our Mother Earth so there is much healing for our 
   nations of future generations.
            May peace be with you, all life upon Mother Earth.
                    Mitakuye oyasin, (All my relations)
    Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

   World Peace and Prayer Day is the fulfillment of prophecy from our
   ancestors, not only Lakota, but that of other Peoples' of Earth.
   Chief Looking Horse is the catalyst for the vision he keeps, an
   inherited responsibility of what the White Buffalo Calf Pipe stands
   for - Peace - with the ancestral vision of obtaining Peace through
   the help of the spirituality of all Peoples! The vision and endeavor
   is for all people from all cultures and beliefs to come together and
   pray for Global Healing. If we view our ways with ethnocentricity we
   destroy the very empowerment through which we fully obtain the
   connection with the Creator.

                         May peace be with you, WPPD '99 Staff


   Website for World Peace and Prayer Day '99:
   E-mail contact:



Rob,             Sector Air Raid Warden at Rob's Place

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         Usenet: news:alt.thebird
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                       Robert Cherwink <>



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