File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 512

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 13:59:24 GMT

Carpo wrote

>hello, dave:  WELCOME TO AMERICA.  You're going to see 
>more flakes in California than you've ever seen in any Scottish 

You mean I get to meet Keri's ex-husbands 
numero two and three?  That should be interesting. 
They both sound as if they have only a very
tenuous connection with this planet.

(I wonder why she gets involved with weirdos?
   With the exception of me, of course.)

(Carlos, Keri's Numero Uno, I would rather not meet, 
as he is currently dead, having got into a gunfight 
over a Mexican girl down in the west Texas town 
of El Paso. Yes, really.)

I am not at all nervous about California, but I am nervous
about getting there. It is thirty six years since the last
time I was in an airyplane, and I didn't like it then.
Keri says she can't afford to fly over here to hold my hand, 
so to make sure I actually get on the plane she thinks
I'd better take something to calm me down.

For some reason I don't really understand, by far
the cheapest way to get from here to California 
is to fly east to begin with. To the Netherlands. 
That's where two Libyans are on trial by a Scottish 
court for blowing up an American plane. I'd better 
take a lot of something to calm me down. I just
might arrive in San Francisco from Amsterdam 
calmed out of my skull.



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