File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 519

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 16:44:15 +0100
From: mokey <>
Subject: Re: roger doesn't want diplomacy

i said
>> it's time that
>> you, along with NATO, Clinton, Blair and the rest of the wishy-washy
>> liberals realised that military intervention like this doesn't work.

and then you said
>Sure it does.  The Vietnamese intervention in Kampuchea wirked remarkably
>well. This one we have now might not wirk (WIRK?) but for you to say
>military interventions never wirk is totally worng.

but i said "like this."  the vietnamese did not just drop bombs out of the
sky onto cambodia.  america did, and that didn't work.  ho chi and the rest
still managed to win the war.  if NATO had any balls, then they'd send in
ground troops - but they won't.  if NATO had any sense, then none of this
would have happened in the first place.  it seems that the western military
has become quite inept, and their bosses (presidents and prime ministers)
just make a bollocks of everything.

>Didn't Your Neville once say
>that "peace in our time" was the reality?

no siree, he wasn't my Neville.  note the .ie at the end of my email
address and not a .uk.

>But this list is full of apologistas who somehow
>equate a half-assed effort to stop a horror with the horror itself.

no one here is an apologist for Milosevic, you've gotta understand that
carp.  everyone agrees that what Serbia is doing is despicable.  it's a
fucking terrifying, revolting and gut wrenching process that the military
and paramilitary forces are carrying out in kosova.  no one here is denying
the enormity of horror that's happening on the ground (except those stupid
thickos from the socialist-workers who protest outside the US embassy but
don't bother heading out to the Yugoslav one).  but NATO isn't making
things better.  they're bombing because they don't understand anything but
violence - the very same as Milosevic.

>> and neither will blowing things up.
>Tell that to the cambodians who are alive today because vietnam decided to
>start "blowing things up."

and how about all the vietnamese who are not alive today because Uncle Sam
tried to level their cities.  or the libyans for that matter... the list
goes on.

peace and love and rock and roll


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