File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 52

Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 03:03:48 -0600
From: Sandi & Scott Spaeth <>
Subject: Re: hope or not...

At 05:22 PM 4/1/99 -0500, Unka Bart wrote:
>G'day all,

>If you want "Hope," you can find it in spades in *this* revolution.  Hell,
>on the internet (which I would make analogous to the original telegrph)
>*anyone* can put up a web-site - be a full-fledged *publisher, with one own
>*Press* - no longer just states or major capitalists!  If you can't find
>*HOPE* there, I don't know where it exists.

I agree with most of what Unka bart said, particularly about the nature of
the next revolution, but I am more pessimistic than hopeful about the
future of the internet.  It's too free, it's been there in the fight for
the Zapatistas and against the MAI, and it seems to be an all around hassle
for "the man".  It's simply too good at allowing leftists, dissidents,
whatever to stay in contact with each other and support each other for the
powers that be to let it go on endlessly.  I don't know how, and I don't
know when, but you're going to see a crackdown.  My guess is they'll use
words like terrorist, conspiracy, etc to cut people and specifically
servers they can't control out of the picture.  

But we'll always have Ebay.

Hard Luck S.C.
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