File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 533

Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 07:38:09 -0400
From: roger <>
Subject: Re: roger doesn't want diplomacy

Aaron Micheau wrote: (in response to carpo)

> >Weaken Milosevic's ability to rule, then let all of these Noble And
> >Well-Intentioned Fucking Serbs I keep hearing about run with the ball.
> >I thought that's what giving peace a chance was all about.  Duh.
> Let's see, since the bombing began, those Serbs have rallied to Milosevic,
> because, according to you, "they see their state in peril".  So somehow, if
> the bombing continues- increasing the peril- Serbs will do a 180 and turn
> against Milosevic?  Is this, like, how the Iraqis overthrew Saddam Hussein-
>  Oh, wait a minute...

aaron, you lack a sense of irony.  carpo is taking the piss out of you and your
buddies who look to serbs to stop this.  ain't going to happen.  get a clue,

> According to the Long Haul NATO plan, NATO ground troops will destroy the
> infrastructure of Serbia and push the Serbian nationalists out of Kosovo in
> a ground offensive.  Then they will usher the Kosovar Albanians back into
> Kosovo under NATO protection.  All well and good.

not really, but better than the status quo i would maintain.  and no, the
strategic bombing of serbia is both morally wrong and militarily
counterproductive.  bosnia is better off today than is was when arkon (oh,
that's right, you don't even know who that is and what he did in bosnia do
you?  you're not very well informed are you aaron?) was leaving his bloody
trail of death and destruction.  anything would be better for the kosovars than

> Except that, in all of the months it takes to do that, vindictive Serbian
> nationalists will have burned and levelled all of the Albanian homes and
> villages.  Leaving Albanians homeless, campless, and without food supplies
> (will NATO feed them then? help them rebuild?).

having a little difficulty with reality are you?  what the hell do you think
the situation of the kosovar's is now if not, "homeless, campless, and without
food supplies"!!!!

<snip equally trenchent commentary>

>   You sound like Rush Limbaugh.  What's
> next, Carp, 'Feminazis'?
> Really,  you are too much of a cynic to make credible moral arguments, and
> you'd do better to leave the hysterics to Roger.
> and who's this 'Arkan' person, anyway?

ha ha ha.  that's got to be the funniest juxtaposition of ignorance in quite a
while.  aaron, YOU sound like charles lindberg preaching appeasment in the 30's
asking, "who's this Himmler guy, anyway."  you're a moron, aaron, but if you
study real hard maybe you can become an idiot.



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