File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 539

Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 10:52:48 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: For lack of any better ideas, anarchists support dictators...

You know, the more I've darnk the more I've thunked.  Aaron used Somalia,
Haiti, and the Kurds as examples of U$/NATO Bad Moves.  Somalia and Haiti
are real good examples of Aaron's knee-jerk pre-programed "If we didn't
think of it, it must be a bad idea," ideology," or more plainly put, "If
the liberal western states do it, the simplest, non-thinking out, is to
oppose it."

I can not think of two more hopeless causes to support than Haitian
dictators and Somalian war lords.  

I've said it a million times, the kurds are getting fucked, so you
mentioned one out of three that has some legitimacy.   But, aaron,
tell me how the average Somalis and Haitians are wirse off because of

And while you're at it, could you please explain how we should deal with
the Kosovo issue.  No, I don't mean repeating the pablum that's been
passed off as "thought" here on the list:  I mean what would you recommend
being done? Not just to stop the war, hell, that's easy, but what do you
recommend for the peace-loving peoples of Greater Serbia and their
imperial colony Kosovo?  The idea being, of course, that all 1.6 million
people of albanian extraction don't die or become refugees first, before
your solution is impemented

What I mean is it is time to show your shit, aaron:  How is hand-holding
and singing and hand-wringing and supporting every tin-horn dictator
around the wirld in EVERY conflict against the liberal states going
to have a positive outcome?  

Come on aaron, tell us how come every dictator is good compared to the
western liberals.  I get confused easily, so make it clear.  Okay?



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