File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 575

Date: 18 Apr 1999 02:05:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: roger doesn't want diplomacy

Carp wrote:

> I do not for one instant think
> that every one of those people rallying daily for Greater Serbia and
> Milosevic see their own lives in fatal peril;

How could you know this? Have you ever live in a ekonomy on the base of  
the third world like Yugoslavia in the last 8 years? What does you think  
if you hear about inflation of 200%?

For many Serbs it is not the survival of the state that drove the people  
to commit state crimes against humanity, rather the perception of their  
own life's peril today. You argue here with the NATO ly that this "wasn't  
a war against the Serbs, but against the serbian army". All Serbs see that  
NATO bombing their factories of main economical importance, their electri- 
cal and heating power plants, their bridges, their water reserviors, their  
waste water upgrading, their roads and super-highways, their post, radio,  
tv and telephone centrals -- and a few air strikes destroy a few homes,  
schools, churches and hospitals next door. More than 250 000 men are left  
their with almost no more income, because their factories are destroied.

It is the fear to lose all economy possibilities to earn wages in the near  
future and not greedyness, why many serbian policemens and regulary sol- 
diers try to take advantage of robbing refugees and call mostly for DM and  
US-$ or plunder houses. Many refugees have told to german journalists and  
soldiers -- who work for the Security court in Den Haag -- that many vic- 
tims have been killed because they wasn't able to pay.

It is the fear to lose all economy possibilities to earn wages which drove  
people to stand as living targets in front of their factories or bridges.  
They stand there not to support Milosevic but to defence their own econo- 
mical future. -- You are only right in one point: Those people out of the  
government (and their relatives) who rallying daily for Greater Serbia and  
Milosevic dosn't see their own lives in fatal peril.

I'm on the list for free speach and internet critique run by artists,  
professors, journalists and students around the world: I've seen mostly  
critical comments on and against the politic of "the slaughter Milosevic"  
-- a term used by yugoslavian professors and students -- on this list. And  
I know about a underground movement in Yugoslavia/Serbia for peace, demo- 
cracy and a free press out of the colleges and universities run by profes-  
sors, journalists and students.


But this is for the time being my last statement on this list. Catkawin  
has unsub our mutual account from this list, because too much we had in  
the pastence the muddle between (catkawin) signed by Nico and rarely (Nico  
Myowna) signed by catkawin. So I have to think about better ways to make a  
confusion about who is who impossible. I think, I have to use an other  
mail program on my own.

Thanks to everybody to putting up with me in the last month (and years as  
a reader and rarely writer on this list). I can be contact under


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