File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 58

Date: Fri, 2 Apr 99 11:34:32 EST
From: "Brian J. Callahan" <Brian=J.=Callahan%MT%DFCI-AT-EYE.DFCI.HARVARD.EDU>
Subject: re: Re: The Anarchist Attitude To War

Dave writes:
>If thousands of Jews and other concentration camp 
>victims had fought back, the Holocaust would have been
>impossible. The problem was that most concentration
>camp victims were "law-abiding" even when the law 
>had quite patently gone mad. If they had fought back,
>there were enough of them that they could have torn
>the camp guards apart.

Good point.  The best way to fight oppression is for the oppressed to fight 
it themselves.  To take a more immediate example, the Kosovars in the cities 
and villages do not have the means to resist the force used against them.  
With automatic weapons and a few grenade launchers, they could probably 
defeat any paramilitary squads committing ethnic cleansing.  Of course, they 
could not fight regular army units of the FRY with much hope of success, so 
if there were a way they could get arms and a way that the FRY could be 
prevented from massing troops, tanks and artillery...


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