File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 601

Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 09:59:12 -0400
From: Unka Bart <>
Subject: Re: NATO out of Kosova!

Well, I for one, am relieved.

The People of the glorious bastion of democracy and free speech, China,
have spoken.

>NATO out of Kosova!

Actually, NATO is not *in* Kosovo.  But that's a dandy tune you're singing,
I like it.  The original words, which you seem to have forgotten, are

China our of Tibet!

Catchy little lyrics, aren't they?  Get your homies to wander around the
streets singing the original, why don't you?  Unlike NATO, China actually
*is* in Tibet...

>The spokesperson of the demonstration, Leung Kwok-hung, read out a
>statement, denouncing the now 3 weeks long air raid. He said the ethnic
>question should be settled by the people themselves, not by foreign
>military actions.

"Ethnic Question...?"  "Settled by the People themselves...?"

I'm not aware that there is any "ethnic question" to be "settled."  Seems
to me that the Serbs know who they are, and the Muslims know who they are,
and each seems to know who the other is, so what exactly is at question
here, ethnicity-wise?

>He further emphasized that the demonstration in no way
>supports the Serbian Government. The Kosova people should have the right to

Tell that to Mr. Milosevec.  He's the guy trying to change things.

>The demonstrators cut the American Flag to pieces before setting it on
>fire. Then they put a banner denouncing the US Imperialists on the gate of
>the embassy. Nobody from the US Consulate came out to receive the petition.

Gosh, someone is cutting up the American Flag.  What a novel idea.  Wow.
Who'da thunk it...?

Thank god we have the Peace-loving chinese around to tell us how to deal
with ethnic unpleasantness.  I reckon we all ought to follow their sterling

Yer Kindly Ol' Unka Bart


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