File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 614

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 16:45:32 GMT
Subject: Re: stoic peace

I wrote

>>and stealing a rowing 
>>boat and getting swept out to sea and then losing 
>>the oars

and Scott asked

>Hey, wasn't that the storyline for the Who's Lp 'Quadrophenia'?

I dunno, I was never a fan of the Who, and I never saw
the film "Quadrophenia". That particular episode of damned
foolishness happened because, at about 3 o clock in the morning, 
walking home with my judgement greatly impaired due to large 
amounts of alcohol, I decided that taking a short cut by boat 
across the estuary made more sense than walking all the way 
to the bridge. The tide was in at the time, but, unfortunately, by 
the time I got half way across the river, the tide started to go out. 
The tide goes out   _fast_   on that river. 

By the time I eventually made it back to dry land,
about eight hours later, I was  _completely_  sober.

As Goat says

>>wisdom be the result o experience; experience the
>>result o damned foolishness; surviving damned foolishness 
>>most often be the result o dumb luck.



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