File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 629

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:18:07 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Daily Washateria: 4/18 CLARENCE DARROW 

Web version:

This is Darrow,
Inadequately scrawled, with his young, old heart,
And his drawl, and his infinite paradox
And his sadness, and kindness,
And his artist sense that drives him to shape his life
To something harmonious, even against the schemes of God.

* Edgar Lee Masters, "Darrow," (1922)


Hard to think "saint" & "lawyer" together, but Darrow defended
Debs, anti-work radicals & "the underdog."


US: ALFRED PACKER DAY. Eatcher heart out, Ronald McDonald:
Honors the only American to be convicted on charges of
cannibalism, 1854.

1587 - John Foxe dies in Cripplegate, London. English Puritan
preacher, wrote *The Book of Martyrs*, in France, forced to
flee England when Roman Catholic queen Bloody Mary got throned.

1775 - Paul Revere goes joyriding, gets captured; William
Dawes warns "The British are coming!"

1792 - Vancouver "discovers" Vancouver Island, & renames it for

1817 - George Henry Lewes lives, London. Philosopher, literary
critic, common-law husband of George Eliot.

1839 - What is Today's Youth Coming To?!: French decadent
Charles Baudelaire expelled from college.

1842 - Rhode Island Reds?: Dorr's Rebellion: Rhode Island
citizens, disgruntled by property-owning requirements, hold
their own elections.

1850 - Joseph A. Labadie. Labor activist, writer, poet,
printer, anarchist, lives, Paw Paw, Michigan. See *Daily
Bleed* Gallery page,

1857 - American lawyer for the underdog Clarence Darrow lives.

"Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt."

1864 - Richard Harding Davis, romance author & a leading
reporter lives, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1879 - Viljo Tarkiainen (1879 - 1951) lives, Juva. Finnish
literature researcher/critic.

1879 - US: Trial starts in Standing Bear vs. General Crook in
front of Judge Dundy, arguing that Indians citizens have the
same rights to habeas corpus as other U.S. citizens.

1898 - French Symbolist painter Gustave Moreau dies.

1906 - San Francisco Earthquake destroys much of the city.
Combined with the ensuing fire, 500-700 died & another 250,000
left homeless. Damages totaled over $500 million from the
quake, estimated at 7.9-8.3 on the (yet-to-be devised) Richter

"I asked a man standing next to me what happened. Before he
could answer a thousand bricks fell on him & he was killed. A
woman threw her arms around my neck. I pushed her away & fled.
All around me buildings were rocking & flames shooting. As I
ran, people on all sides were crying , praying & calling for
help. I thought the end of the world had come."

1908 - The IWW poem *We Have Fed You All For A Thousand Years*
published in *Industrial Union Bulletin*

1912 - West Virginia coal miners strike, defend themselves
against National Guard.

1923 - Danish novelist/dramatist, Leif Panduro lives,
Frederiksberg. A social critic writing in a satirical,
humorous vein. Wrote * Av, Min Guldtand* (1957, "Oh, My Gold

1934 - First "Washateria" (Laundromat) opens, in Fort Worth,

1936 - The singing cowboy, Gene Autry, records "Back in the
Saddle Again."

1941 - US: Bus companies in New York City agree to hire black
workers after a four-week boycott.

1948 - Kathy Acker lives. (1948-1997)

"Kathy Acker loved Miles Davis &, like Miles, she didn't give
a fuck, except about the things she gave a fuck about. She
gave a fuck about books (the ones she wrote & the library of
30,000 volumes she amassed over the years), about the
subliminal politics of everyday life -- where the brittle
edges of gender politics & class would come into sharp focus -
- &, mostly, about the power of words to define the world &
shape our thoughts. Whoever controlled the words controlled
thought, Kathy knew. She set out to understand & liberate
words (& herself) by direct action: She'd seize control of
language & reinvent it in her work.

* Richard Kadrey, author (*Metrophage; Horse Latitudes;
Covert Culture Sourcebook; From Myst To Riven*)

In the words of David Antin: Her works will answer for her.
They remain alive.

1950 - J.D. Salinger's story, "For Esmé, With Love & Squalor",

"Just recently, by air mail, I received an invitation to a
wedding that will take place in England on April 18th."

1954 - Colonel Nasser seizes power in Egypt.

1955 - Relative Death, more or less, of Albert Einstein,
pacifist, socialist, scientist, Princeton, New Jersey.

Human society is passing through a crisis ... The economic
anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today opinion, the real source of the evil...

The result of...[the concentration of private capital in a few
hands] is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power
of which cannot be checked even by a democratically organised
political society.

---Albert Einstein, *Why I Am A Socialist*, 1949

"It's all relative"

1958 - A US Federal Court decides since Ezra Pound is
incurably, permanently insane, he can no longer be held for
treason & can be set free.

As he leaves St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C., 13
years after being taken into custody, he reflects:

"How did it go in the madhouse?
Rather badly.
But what other place could one live in America?"

1958 - First march against nuclear arms, West Germany.

1963 - Henrietta Kreis is the third famous Wallenda aerialist
to fall to death.

1964 - American writer Ben Hecht dies.

1966 - Bill Russell becomes first black coach in NBA history
(Boston Celtics).

1968 - Baaaaa Humbug?: US Army concedes that nerve gas sprayed
from planes, burned in pits, & released from 155mm shells at
its Dugway Proving Ground was responsible for the death of at
least 6,400 Utah sheep.

1969 - Stout Fellow?: Patrick Stout, a former Army sergeant
who had entered an atomic bomb crater in Alamogordo, New
Mexico to demonstrate that it presented no safety hazard, dies
of leukemia. Doctors attributed Stout's contraction of the
disease to atomic radiation exposure.

1970 - Flower Power?: 4,000 march in Seattle for peace in
Vietnam/SE Asia, escorted by Seattle police officers with
daffodils tied to their night sticks.

1970 - US: Native Americans start five-day sit-ins at several
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) offices across the country.

1971 - Howard Hughes, billionaire, dies. Lover of bugs, germs
& the great outdoors.

1977 - US: Native American activist Leonard Peltier found
guilty of murdering two FBI agents, despite government
testimony that he was not present at the scene of the killings.

1978 - US Senate voted 68-32 to turn over the Panama Canal to
Panama on 31 December 1999, ending several months of heated
debate; an earlier vote (on 16 March) had given approval to a
treaty guaranteeing the area's neutrality after the year 2000.

1980 - Ending racial civil war, the segregated African nation
of Rhodesia becomes the liberated African nation of Zimbabwe,
gains independence from U.K.

1980 - El Salvador: Democratic Revolutionary Front (FDR), a
coalition of all popular organizations, founded.

1983 - A lone suicide bomber kills 63, at the US Embassy in

1996 - Lebanon: 100 refugees in U.N. compound killed by
intentionally targeted Israeli artillery, Quana.

1997 - Sweden: "Choose Life" Plowshares action at Bofors
weapons factory in Karlskoga, exporter of arms to Indonesia.

1998 - Chile: Labor organizations from across Latin America
converge on Santiago, in a mass protest of Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Bill Clinton's free trade
visit & negotiations there.

"Strange that science, which in the old days seemed harmless,

should have evolved into a nightmare that causes everyone to

--- Albert Einstein

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is
limited. Imagination encircles the world."

Auntie-Nightmare 1999
Recollection Used Books | 4519 University Way NE
Seattle Wa 98105 | (206)548-1346 | email:

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"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech & press, I
tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a is, in my

---Alexander Berkman 


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