File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 631

From: "Andy" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 16:53:55 +0000
Subject: Re: Your home turf

> I was at a couple of Rock against Racism things. 
> I remember marching through Hoxton and getting
> a very hostile reception from some of the local 
> white fascist youth. We were on our way to Victoria 
> Park.

That was the one. I had had a couple of pints beforehand and had 
seriously under-estimated the distance between Trafalgar Square and 
Victoria Park. I dived into a pub to pay my respects to the porcelain 
and was forced to indulge in  a little contretemps with some blokes 
who were substantially older than local youths. Luckily I was with a 
merchant seaman friend who was built like a brick shit-house, so the 
sparring was more verbals with only a bit of light jostling.

I now refuse to be directly active on any distance longer than 
Trafalgar Square to The Regent's Park [as Lord St.John of Fawsley 
insists on calling it].

> I worked as a bricklayer for Hackney Borough 
> Council direct works department. Or was it Islington 
> direct works

[now there's historical term for Call My Bluff]

> I was with at that time ? I worked 
> for both of them. Also the GLC.

Ah yes... the GLC.  If Red Ken is allowed to stand as Mayor, the 
temptation to vote..... Incidentally, I get charged 70 quid for the 
Met. on this year's council tax, still with no representation, and in 
my neck of the woods[London Boro' of Hounslow], it's taken them years 
to catch the Mardi Gra [sic] bomber who has been leaving more 
packages in my local haunts than the IRA ever managed. What's the 
police rake off in Dundee? I comfort myself that a large part of it 
must go in out of court settlements.

On the racism front, I see from  the BNP web-site that they are 
coming your way for the Euro-elections in June. John Tyndall whom I 
saw speak after Powell's rivers of blood speech is still going 
strong, and appears to have been invited to address the Oxford Union 
in the near future.




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