File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 636

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 18:56:58 +0100
From: mokey <>
Subject: Re: Letter from Yugo factory

Nico wrote these stunningly silly sentences 
>this is the war inside the war -- to destroy the capitalist competitions.
>NATO bombing is also the pursit of the destruction of the yugoslavian  
>economy since 1982. To attack military targets is only pretext.

you know, for all your stupid postings, i always thought that you were just
a mislaid soul, and that deep down, you had something sensible to say.  but
this shows that you have yet to reach that point on your road to damascus.
there are no capitalistic gains to be got out of this war.  cruise missiles
cost a million dollars each - money that's blown to bits, not made by
industrialists et al.  after all this madness is over, someone is going to
have to pay to rebuild the roads, bridges, factories etc, and i think that
someone's gonna have to be uncle sam.  this war is strange because there
are very few capitalist interests at stake (that is, unless you listen to
SWP propaganda)

i get what you're saying Nico.  it's the normal Marxist rubbish that's read
into everything which happens in this crazy world of ours.  but there's
rarely much money to be made out of war - in fact a lot of people tend to
get poorer.  as Orwell showed us in 1984, war is actually a particularly
good way to make sure that no one benefits.  it consumes resources that
could be used to make the capitalists rich.  it kills lots of people that
could be otherwise used in the labour market.  so please please please
think before you send your next post.



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