File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 644

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 17:02:06 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Daily Crouch: 4/19 MAGGIE KUHN 

Web version:

I woke up with a spot of blood
over my eye. A scratch
halfway across my forehead.
But I'm sleeping alone these days.

Why on earth would a man raise
his hand
against himself, even in sleep?
It's this & similar questions
I'm trying to answer this morning.
As I study my face in the window.

             * Raymond Carver, "The Scratch"


Founder of Gray Panthers, radical activists for the aged.


killing of animals during "scientific experiments."


1529 - A Protestation against a decree of the Diet of the
German Empire is published, from which event came the term

1600 - Will Adams (the original Anjin-sama) lands in Japan.

1775 - Midnight rider Paul Revere, on his way to warn Concord
that the British were coming, is arrested by the Redcoats &
relieved of his horse. (Revere's companion, William Dawes,
succeeded in delivering the message.)

1775 - Minutemen Captain John Parker orders not to fire unless
fired upon. Revolution begins at Lexington Common, with the
shot "heard round the world"

1824 - British romantic poet Lord Byron, dies, 36, of malarial
fever contracted in a rainstorm in Missolonghi, Greece, where
he was drilling troops seeking liberation from the Turkish
Empire. His heart & lungs are buried in Greece, his body in

What is the end of fame? 'Tis but to fill
A certain portion of uncertain paper:
Some liken it to climbing up a hill,
Whose summit, like all hills, is lost in vapor;
For this men write, speak, preach, & heroes kill,
And bards burn what they call their "midnight taper,"
To have, when the original is dust,
A name, a wretched picture, & worse bust.

---from *Don Juan*, Canto 1, stanza 217

1832 - José Echegaray y Eizaguirre lives (1832-1916). Leading
Spanish dramatist last quarter of the 19th century. Awarded
the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1904, with poet Frédéric
Mistral. His first play *El Libro Talonario* (The Checkbook)
was produced when he was 42 years old, & he averaged two plays
a year thereafter.

1851 - US: Kalapuyan Atfalate cede lands to U.S. in exchange
for a small reservation at Wapato Lake, Oregon.

1854 - Charles Angrand (1854-1926) lives, Normandy. French
Impressionist, Pointillist painter & anarchist illustrator.
Influenced by Van Gogh, associated with Seurat, Cross, Luce &
Signac & other libertarian illustrators & Jean Grave's "Les
temps nouveaux". See *Daily Bleed* Gallery page,

1861 - The US Civil War claims its first fatalities: four
Union soldiers were stoned to death by a Baltimore mob.

1871 - "La révolution communale commencée par l'initiative
populaire du 18 mars, inaugure une =E8re nouvelle de politique
expérimentale, positive, scientifique. C'est la fin du vieux
monde gouvernemental et clérical, du militarisme, du
fonctionnarisme, de l'exploitation, de l'agiotage, des
monopoles, des privil=E8ges, auxquels le prolétariat doit son
servage, la patrie ses malheurs et ses désastres.

(...) Nous, citoyens de Paris, nous avons la mission
d'accomplir la révolution moderne, la plus large et la plus
féconde de toutes celles qui ont illuminé l'histoire. Nous
avons le devoir de lutter et de vaincre!"

---excerpt, "Déclaration de la commune de Paris au peuple
fran=E7ais", du 19 avril 1871.

1877 - Ole Evinrude, inventor of the outboard marine engine,

1879 - US: Moses reservation established for Chelan people
(Washington state).

1881 - British politician/novelist Benjamin Disraeli dies in

1897 - First Boston Marathon.

1900 - Richard Hughes (Fiction as Truth) lives (1900-1976).
British playwright, poet, short story writer, & novelist, born
in Wales, director of the National Theatre of Wales from 1924
to 36.  His play, *Danger* was possibly the first written
especially for radio. Wrote *A High Wind in Jamaica*.

1912 - Joséphine Coueille, known as Andree Prevotel, lives,
Gers. French anarchist & anarcho-syndicalist, free thinker.
See *Daily Bleed* Gallery page,

1919 - Mutiny of the Sailors in the Black Sea (19 to 21
April). Several French warships around Sébastopol (brought in
to aid in stopping the advances of the Red Army) are subject
to mutiny. Begins with the sailors on the battleship "France,"
& spreads. A delegation, made up partly of anarchist sailors,
demands suspension of the war against Russia, the return of
the ships to France, & no disciplining for their actions. In
Sébastopol, French officers massacre participants in a
demonstration to prevent them from fraternizing with the
mutineers. Despite the promises of the officers, the mutineers
(such as Alphonse Sauveur Cannone; see 15 February) are
treacherously arrested & receive from 10 to 20 years of prison.

1933 - Silver Spoon? Beloved & Respected comrade Leader
President Franklin D. Roosevelt takes the US off the gold

1939 - Anti-American Ingrates: Connecticut finally approves
the *Bill of Rights* (only 148 years late).

1943 - Dr. Albert Hoffman's first planned LSD experiment (see
16 April). To further investigate the psychedelic effects of
LSD, he ingests 250 micrograms (gamma), a fairly strong dose
at Sandoz lab in Basle, Switzerland. He has resynthesized LSD-
25 in a search for a cure for migraines, & has visions (the
first synthesis was in 1938.)

1943 - Poland: 50,000 Jews remaining begin the Warsaw Ghetto
Uprising: thousands of Jews rise in armed struggle against
Nazi deportations to extermination camps.

Today at 6 a.m., a contingent of 2,000 heavily armed
Schutzstaffel troops with tanks enter the ghetto. While the
civilian population hides in underground bunkers, the ghetto
fighters attack the Germans with incendiary bottles & a few
guns. Shocked by the Jewish resistance, the SS is forced to
withdraw. Unable to put down the revolt with conventional
weapons, the Germans  resort to setting the ghetto on fire.

On May 8th, the Germans surround the ghetto's underground
military headquarters. More than a hundred Jewish fighters
inside commit suicide rather than be taken alive. On May 10th,
some 75 survivors escape through the city's sewers.

1945 - Louis-Ferdinand Céline is in deep doo-doo: faces arrest
for collaborating with fascist Vichy government, France.

"Round up the usual suspects ........"

1948 - Costa Rica abolishes its army.

1952 - England: 35 Operation Gandhi supporters picket
Aldermaston AWRE, a spy base.

1968 - Sexy Sadie, what have you done? You made a fool of

1971 - US: Several hundred Vietnam Veterans Against the War
begin an encampment on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. Laumch
"Operation Dewey Canyon III (April 19-23).

1974 - Fernand Planche (1900-1974) dies. French
writer/activist of "Anarchist Synthesis" (establishing links
between all the various tendencies).

A founder of the review "La conqu=EAte du pain", & participant
in "Brochure mensuelle". Imprisoned the winter 1939-1940 for
inciting soldiers to desert, then interned in Germany as a
"subversive element." Helped rebuild the libertarian movement
after the war, then moved to New Caledonia in 1950, where he
opposed colonialism. Wrote  "Durolle au pays des couteliers,"
a biography of Louise Michel, &, with Jean Delphy, a biography
of Kropotkin.

1978 - US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader California
Governor Jerry Brown refuses a request to extradite American
Indian Movement (AIM) leader Dennis Banks to South Dakota to
stand trial.

1980 - Psycho *"Lifeboat"* Al Hitchcock dies in Califonia at
80. Newspaper goes down with him.

1982 - U.S. re-bans travel to Cuba.

1988 - U.S. Supreme Court rules that the Forest Service can
build logging road through sacred lands of Yurok, Karok &
Tolowa tribes in Northern California.

1989 - Turret explosion aboard USS Iowa (BB-61) kills 47
sailors. Explosion is initially blamed on alleged suicide pact
between gay sailors, as conjectured by Naval Investigative
Service & as leaked to NBC News. Eventually, explosion is
found to have been caused by unstable gun powder. Surviving
gunner's mate sues NBC & Navy for libel & defamation of

1990 - A new NBA record: Detroit Pistons & Philadelphia 76'ers
get into a fight accruing $162,500 in  fines.

1993 - Tax Dollars at work: Whacko Federal agents attack
whacko Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas, shooting or
incinerating over 80 women, men, & children.

1995 - Bombing of Federal Building in Oklahoma City kills 168,
setting off hunt for "Arab terrorists" & Muslims. Results in
new laws suspending due process for non-US citizens.

 "We are all giants, raised by pygmies, & trained to walk
 with a perpetual mental crouch."

                                            * Robert Anton Wilson

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tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a crime."

       ---Alexander Berkman


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