File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 646

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 17:50:31 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Dave Hayman likes liberals... 

Damn.  I +knew+ there was something inherently funny about Dave Hayman's
use of the "Nation" as a validification about how frightening the wirld is
becoming but I couldn't remember why this was so.  Then this afternoon
while I'm in at the doc's getting me blood pressure medication adjusted, I
thumb through this same old TIME magazine that I looked at last month when
I was there and bingo:  There it was....

On Saturday, April 17, 1999 Dave Hayman didst proclaim:

> On this point, I trust the Nation, which has documented the dangers of
> DU, more than carp. 


Tell me, Dave, would this The Nation happen to be the same Nation that
chartered the dutch caribbean cruise liner M.S. Veendam last December and
charged $1800-2900 a head to go on a seven-day junket and personally visit
with with Great Leftists Thinkers at a ratio of "Leftist Writers" to
passengers of not more than 30-1?  Said Great Leftist Writers being such
anarchist-prone individuals as Jim Hightower, George McGovern, Christopher
Hitchins and Alex Cockburn?

The shill that was selling the tickets promised that for once you could
have "All of the lefties in one place."  

The main seminar was a dissection of the 1998 congressional election
results and at night, I kid you not, the junketeers got serenaded by the
Guy Lombardo Orchestra.

Man, Dave, when you cite a source, you definitely show you know how to
pick the source. This cracked me up.



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