File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 656

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 17:47:35 GMT
Subject: Re: Your home turf

Andy asked

>What's the police rake off in Dundee? 

don't know, but whatever it is it's too much !

>On the racism front, I see from  the BNP 
>web-site that they are coming your way 
>for the Euro-elections in June. 

They aren't standing in the Scottish parliament
election, I guess they know they've no chance.
But they must hope to pick up anti-europe 
votes in the Euro-elections.

They had been very quiet in these parts
for a couple of years, ever since some 
of them got their heads kicked in (violence 
against Nazis ! shocking !) but a few months 
ago six of them showed up to leaflet a shopping 
centre. They were leafletting outside this Asian shop 
where a shopkeeper had been accused of child
molesting. There was anger by local parents
and youths against this Asian shopkeeper 
and the BNP hoped to turn that from anger 
against him personally into racial anger. There
was strong evidence against this shopkeeper, 
and it was an awkward one for anti-fascists, 
but we explained to local people that opposing 
the BNP did not mean approval of the offence 
allegedly committed by the shopkeeper. I was 
doing my household shopping and got handed
a leaflet before I knew who these people were. 
When I realised it was the BNP, I screwed the leaflet 
up and threw it back in the guy's face. Then I made 
a couple of phone calls, and some people turned up 
and advised the six BNP members to leave if they knew 
what was good for them. Most of them took this good advice, 
but one guy, name of Russell McKenna, a big ugly brute 
who works as a security guard, was acting defiant. He has 
been down to BNP headquarters at Welling in Kent for a one 
week "leadership" course, so I assume, if they are standing 
in the Euro elections here, it's him that's running things. 
Russell McKenna used to be a drug dealer, probably
still is. He has a large portrait of Adolf Hitler hanging 
in his front room. I know this because my daughter Sarah 
was into the drugs scene at one time, and she was friends 
with McKenna's ex-girlfriend Gemma, and she has seen 
the said portrait of Hitler. However, although Sarah told 
me about that portrait, she declined to give me McKenna's 
address, as she thought I might do something which might 
lead to McKenna making life very difficult for her and her friends. 
(Gemma left McKenna when the thug started beating her up.)



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