File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 713

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 18:41:50 +0100
From: mokey <>
Subject: Re: NATO doesn't want diplomacy

>The war in the Gulf.  Americans caused more American casualties than Iraq 
>did.  God bless America.

i don't think this is true, but let me put forward another one of those
interesting facts who's truth is in doubt.

three times more american troops would have been killed in car accidents if
they had stayed home compared to the seven months they spent in the
MidEast, waiting and then fighting, than were killed in the actual war itself.

i fear that i may have not made myself very clear, but i'm too tired to
rewrite the sentence.


ps  i also have very serious doubts as to whether that little tidbit is
actually true.  i've tried to figure out the numbers, and they seem a bit


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