File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 719

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:48:59 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: NATO doesn't want diplomacy

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, mokey wrote:

> >The war in the Gulf.  Americans caused more American casualties than Iraq 
> >did.  God bless America.
> i don't think this is true, 

It's not.  The ratio was, like, 4 to 1.  Unless you toss in accidental
deaths during the buildup and then it gets close to 2 to 1.  There may be
some unreported combat deaths though.  An AC130 Spectre spook gunship was
shot down and crashed into the Gulf and I'm not sure that was ever
officially added into the totals as officially it didn't exist.

> but let me put forward another one of those
> interesting facts who's truth is in doubt.
> apparently,
> three times more american troops would have been killed in car accidents if
> they had stayed home compared to the seven months they spent in the
> MidEast, waiting and then fighting, than were killed in the actual war itself.

Hmmmm.  There are 40,000 traffic deaths in the U$ annually, you can go
from there.   Get out your fingers and toes.

What might be closer to the truth is the number of gangbangers shot and
killed would exceed the number of soldiers killed by a wide margin for the
7 months.  You'd be in the same age bracket and there's, oh, an estimated
75,000 gangsters in Los Angeles county alone.  Given hyperventilated
excess by the people who make these guesses, I'd still say you could come
up with 400,000 or so Peoples and Folks and Latin Kings and Biker Dudes
from hell in the entire U$ and I have no doubt that more than 250 of them
got killed across the land during the war and build up.

A real interesting way to look upon the Casualty-less Wars the U$ and NATO
like to fight is that the 25 kids killed in Colorado yesterday and the 20
wounded exceed the casualties suffered by NATO in the current fracas by
exactly 25 killed and 20 wounded.

The Warrior Serbs may have met their match...modern day Goths.



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