File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 721

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 17:03:54 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Daily Whoest of the Whos: 4/21 RADEN ADJENG KARTINI


Javanese princess who rebelled against aristocratic customs &
started education for girls in Indonesia.


Ancient Roman: PARILA, honoring Pales, Protector of flocks &

1142 - French theologian/philosopher, Peter Abelard, dies in
Burgundy. Best known in literature for his poetry & celebrated
affair with Hélo=EFse. They composed a collection of their love
letters & religious correspondence.

1519 - Cortes lands at Veracruz, Mexico. Through sheer
bloodthirstiness (& the aid of European diseases) a few
hundred Spaniards manage to conquer, loot, & enslave the
millions of people in the Aztec empire.

1782 - US: The Presidio, overlooking San Francisco, is erected
by the Spanish to subdue Indians interfering with mail
transmissions along El Camino Real.

1816 - Charlotte Bront=EB lives (1816-1855), Thornton,
Yorkshire. Novelist, notably *Jane Eyre*, sister of Anne
Bronte & Emily Bronte, who described love more frankly than
common in Victorian England.

1834 - 30,000 march for freedom of trade unionists transported
to Australia from Tolpuddle, Britain.

1838 - John Muir, early western naturalist/conservationist,

1863 - Texass won its independence with the defeat of the
Mexican Army at San Jacinto.

1879 - Javanese feminist Raden Adjeng Kartini lives.

1882 - Congress passes the Chinese Exclusion Act, which makes
it unlawful for Chinese laborers to enter the United States
for the next 10 years & denies naturalized citizenship to the
Chinese already here.

Behind the exclusion act are fears & forces that have little
relation to the Chinese. The US has always been a land with
abundant jobs but, in the closing decades of the 19th century,
unemployment has soared. The act is thus symptomatic of a
larger conflict between white labor & white capital. By
removing the Chinese, Congress hopes to channel white workers'
agitation against immigrants. Renewed in 1892, the exclusion
act is extended indefinitely in 1902.

1894 - George Bernard Shaw's *Arms & the Man* opens to the
unanimous cheers of the audience, with the sole exception of
one who boos. Shaw bowed to his detractor:  "I quite agree
with you, sir, but what can two do against so many?"

1898 - U.S. uses sinking of battleship Maine as rallying cry,
declaring war on Spain in a (successful) attempt to acquire
colonies attempting to win independence from Spain. The US
picked up, among other new properties, Puerto Rico & the
Philippines in the deal, & used its new presence in the
Pacific as an excuse for "annexing" the independent nation of
Hawai'i later that year.

1910 - Mark Twain dies, Redding Connecticut, upon the
reappearance of Halley's Comet, which had last shone the year
he was born.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. I consider them unwise & I
know they are dangerous. Also, sinful. If a man should
challenge me now I would go to that man & take him kindly &
forgivingly by the hand & lead him to a quiet retired spot & kill

1913 - Andre Soudy, French anarchist, member of the Bonnot
Gang, executed. Also Raymond Callemin, another member, who had
started the individualist paper "L'anarchie" with Victor Serge.

One piece concerned the contrast between the will of the
banker J. Peirpont Morgan & the last letter of A. Monier-
Simentof, one of the Bonnot Gang of "anarchist-illegalists"
guillotined in 1913:

"One need not be an advocate of 'individual resumption,' of
'propaganda by deed,' or even of 'direct action,' in order to
prefer the petty bandit who, having a social ideal, seeks to
further it by an isolated act of violence, though knowing
thereby he bares his neck to the knife, to the giant bandit
who, believing in society as it is, & having no ideal but his
own aggrandizement, realizes it by forging & wielding the
mighty weapon of legal monopoly to despoil a whole people of
their products & their liberties, & who, wolfish devourer of
the flock, continues, even after his death, to bathe in the
Blood of the Lamb."

---Benjamin Tucker, in Dora Marsden's paper "The New Freewoman"

1914 - US invades Veracruz, Mexico, to prevent a German ship
from delivering arms to Mexican dictator Victoriano Huerta.
126 Mexicans were killed & 195 wounded, despite Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Wilson's hope the port
could be captured "without bloodshed."  The raid, authorized
without waiting for Congressional approval, brought the US to
the brink of war with Mexico.

1918 -
"As `Cholly Kokonino' would put it  ~

The Whoest of the Whos were There.
The Dimless Dames of Coconino,
the Merry Wives in Full Galaxy,
The Representatives of
the "Desierto Pintado's" Social Apex.

Drifting now to a Lower Social Level,
We find `Krazy Kat' Propelled by
a Great Sense, and urge of Kuriosity<
on his Way to the Enchanted Mesa,
on Whose Topside, `Joe Stork'
The Bird of Destiny, Makes his Home."

--- George Herriman, April 21, 1918

Jack Kerouac, who called Krazy:
"an immediate progenitor of the Beat Generation & its roots
could be traced back to the glee of  America, the honesty of
America, its wild, self-believing individuality",
noted Krazy's gender is not male or female, but both.

Who are Krazy & Ignatz?:

The finest Krazy & George Herriman page was forced to take
down all the pages due to greed & stupidity; it would have
cost this fan $5,000 a month to keep the pages up. A serious
loss to a generation who hasn't a clue about Krazy Kat... but
we're happy to see they are back up finally:

1918 - "Red" Baron Manfred von Richtofen, killed in WWI.

1921 - US: Police fire on striking miners in Butte, Montana.

1937 - The soldier appears to be distinguished & proud of his
literacy. This type of depiction was characteristic of Espert,
the artist who designed this poster. Espert tried to convey
the notion that learned or cultured soldiers are not only
smarter, but better soldiers. Espert worked with Izquierda
Republicana, & with the Committee for the Defense of Madrid.
The poster was released in Madrid, most likely between
November 31, 1936, when the issuing entity, the Delegated
Committee for the Defense of Madrid, was instituted, & April
21, 1937, when it was dissolved.

While most propaganda posters of the Spanish Civil War tried
to pump up morale or denounce the Nationalists in some general
way, this poster has the specific purpose of informing Madrid
residents of the place to bring their books. The poster
neither makes lofty claims regarding the social revolution nor
states that literacy can defeat Franco's troops, but it is
effective in suggesting what residents in the rearguard can do
to help those who fight the war.

1945 - Death of peace artist K=E4the Kollwitz, in Germany,
notable for innovative technique & prints conveying social
justice themes.

Kollwitz was an Expressionist printmaker of progressive bent
who made searing images of  workers suffering in the big new
industrial German cities. Her horrifying prints of mothers
grasping their dead children grappled with the grief unleashed
by the Germans' successive nationalist wars.

Though the critics & public applauded her work, the
authorities never took kindly to it, censoring & denouncing
such "gutter art" that showed only the ugly side of life. The
Nazis, trying to whip up war fever in the late '30s,
particularly disliked her pacifist works.

I do not want to die . . . until I have faithfully made the
most of my talent & cultivated the seed that was placed in me
until the last small twig has grown.

    ---K=E4the Kollwitz >The War of Art

1947 - Iggy Pop [James Osterberg], rocker, lives.

1948 - American naturalist Aldo Leopold dies.

*When we see the land as a community to which we belong, we
may begin to use it with love & respect."

1951 - Giuseppe Pasotti (1888-1951) dies. Italian anarcho-
syndicalist & member of the Italian League of Human Rights.
See *Daily Bleed* Gallery page,

1954 - U.S. Air Force begins flying French reinforcements to
Indochina (Vietnam).

1956 - Charles MacArthur dies, New York. His screenplay, *The
Sin of Madelon Claudet* (1931), bags an Academy Award-winning
performance by his wife, Helen Hayes.

1959 - Alf Dean using a rod & reel hooks a 2,664lb, 16' 10"
great white shark, the largest fish ever caught on a rod.
When queried about bait, he replied, "kittens."

1960 - Dick Clark, described as "the single most influential
person" in the pop music business, testifies before a
congressional committee investigating payola. He admits he had
a financial interest in 27 % of the records he played on his
show in a 28 month period.

1962 - US: Century 21 Exposition opens in Seattle, Washington.
Residents take needling. Some endure needless needlings over
dirty needles.

1967 - Greece: CIA-assisted right-wing coup deposes elected
civilian government, military junta takes over.

1968 - Executive board of International Olympic Committee
(IOC) votes to bar participation of South Africa after intense
international pressure. Apparently they cannot be bribed yet.

1968 - Armando Borghi (1882-1968) dies. Important Italian
anarchist figure, propagandist. Friend of Malatesta's,
secretary of the large Unione Anarchica Italiana (UAI) as well
as the head of the Italian Syndicalist Union (USI) in Bologna.
See *Daily Bleed* Gallery page,

1972 - US: Protesters in El Paso, Texass, pelt Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader General Westmoreland, who is always
winning in Vietnam, with tomatoes.

1972 - Canada: Alberta Indians end six month sit-in at Indian
Affairs office in Edmonton.

1975 - Last South Vietnam president, Nguyen Van Thieu, resigns
after 10 years. Becomes a traveling wrestling referee, just so
he can point & scream "THIEU REVERSAL."

1980 - Anti-American Label?: Frank Zappa's record label
refuses to release his single entitled "I Wanna Be Drafted".

1990 - Erte* art deco stylist, dies at 97.

Make no laws whatever concerning speech & speech will be free;
so soon as you make a declaration on paper that speech shall
be free, you will have a hundred lawyers proving that "freedom
does not mean abuse, nor liberty license"; & they will refine
& define freedom out of existence. Let the guarantee of free
speech be in every man's determination to use it, & we shall
have no need of paper declarations. On the other hand, so long
as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who
wish to tyrannize will do so...

 * Voltairine de Cleyre, *Anarchism & American Traditions*

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may tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a crime."

       ---Alexander Berkman


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