File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 727

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 19:55:55 -0400
From: Mike Bridge <>
Subject: morrisette

Lets get the word out. Send this on out, I want to find a band to sing
my song.


Fuck You...

 Sung to the tune of
 Alanis Morisette's
 "Thank You"

 How 'bout climbing
 down from your
 self-righteous soap box
 How 'bout taking the
 blame when it's clearly yours
 How 'bout listening to people that elect you
 How ' bout telling it straight if just for once

 Fuck you politics
 Fuck you media
 Fuck you independent counsel
 Fuck you President
 Fuck you Minister
 Fuck you fuck you, you assholes

 How 'bout educating the petrified children
 How 'bout feeding the starving and healing the sick
 How 'bout telling the truth when the lie is much easier
 How 'bout finding the answer and not the excuse

 Fuck you politics
 Fuck you media
 Fuck you cable television
 Fuck you President
Fuck you Senator
 Fuck you fuck you, you

The moment I opened
up to you was the
 moment I was betrayed
 by you
 The moment I listen to your lies is the moment I am enraged.

 How 'bout no longer misrepresenting the obvious
 How 'bout stopping blood in the name of the Lord
 How 'bout helping us shield our kids from the bullets
 How 'bout seeking world peace without dropping bombs

Fuck you politics
Fuck you journalists
Fuck you objectivity
Fuck you President
Fuck you congressman
 Fuck you fuck you, you assholes

Fuck you politics
Fuck you media
Fuck you MSNBC
Fuck you CNN
 Fuck you BBC

If we go to school to learn, and learning is knowledge, and knowledge is
power, and
power is corrupt, and corruption is crime, and crime doesn't pay, then
why the fuck do
we go to school?


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