File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 732

From: "danceswithcarp" <>
Subject: Re: Rough Justice
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 22:13:53 -0500

>The rapist analogy was a poor and overly simplistic one in the first place.

I didn't think I was making an analogy.  I asked you if you would
"negotiate" with rapists, literally meaning the serb war criminals.   You
took it as an analogy and responded rather lamely and to be honest, rather
inconsiderate to victims.

And rapist is an apt description of the serb "cleansers."  In bosnia there
was a concentrated effort to impregnate muslim womyn by serb men through
organized raping.  This happened on a scale of tens of thousands.  Take a
peek at the war crimes indictments through the links and search engines at

(enter     "bosnia war crimes indictments")

and you'll find that a great many of the serbs you trust to "negotiate" and
maintain a  peace have quite a lot of evidence against them that they indeed
are rapists of a magnitude so incredible that the wird "rapists" doesn't do
them justice.

There is a new video out called "Survivor" that deals with the impact of one
of these rapes, btw.

As I have noted, you do seem to pick an odd lot to want to protect from the
terror of NATO.


ps:  roger had to unsub.  I was about to because of people like..., well, I
was on the verge when roger told me he had to leave town, so rather than
surrender the list to the a bunch of knee-jerk wankers I decided to stay.
Someone needs to confront the serb/lefty propoganda that passes for fact


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