File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 737

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 07:35:17 -0400
From: Aaron Micheau <>
Subject: Re: Rough Justice

Message text written by "danceswithcarp"

>I didn't think I was making an analogy.  I asked you if you would
>"negotiate" with rapists, literally meaning the serb war criminals.   You
>took it as an analogy and responded rather lamely and to be honest, rather
>inconsiderate to victims.<

Oho! i'm being "inconsiderate"! Gee Carp, i never would have thought that
you knew the meaning of the word. But hey, thanks for being honest and all.

>And rapist is an apt description of the serb "cleansers." 

Well, gee, yeah, except there's only one "rapist" and many thousands of
Serbian nationalists, Milosevic is not himself being accused of rape, there
is no widespread evidence of rape in Kosovo as there was in Bosnia, the
"solution" is nowhere near as simple as with "a rapist", and in any case
not even being implemented in the way that you describe in your
"description".  Furthermore, on a scale of gravity, Milosevic has clearly
ordered more serious and permanent crimes than rape, like murder.  Rape was
your choice because it is most sensational.  You want to show that anyone
who opposes NATO intervention is really a closet misogynist.  That
fucked-up logic is a hint, Carp, that you were engaging in analogy and not

>and you'll find that a great many of the serbs you trust to "negotiate"
>maintain a  peace have quite a lot of evidence against them that they
>are rapists of a magnitude so incredible that the wird "rapists" doesn't
>them justice.

You try to make negotiation sound like an impossibility, conveniently
ignoring several posts that have shown that Serbia would accept a partition
or monitoring by troops other than NATO.  Including the Serbian
Parliament's vote weeks ago to accept UN troops to monitor Kosovo.  The
reality, Carp, is that the situation will NECESSARILY be negotiated at some
point, unless NATO gives up and goes home, or Serbia is completely
annihilated.  Neither of these possibilities is likely, so the only real
questions are who is going to negotiate, and how much mayhem and death is
to be had before the talks begin.  Apparently you think it should be NATO
who talks and that they should cause as much destruction in Kosovo and
Serbia beforehand as possible.  NATO is dominated by the US, which has
singly and adamantly opposed exactly the kind of international judicial
system that would try and punish all of those Serb war criminals, as well
as their KLA, Croat, Bosnian, Turk, Hutu, Indonesian et. al.  counterparts.
 So what this really boils down to is your misplaced patriotism and desire
for wanton destruction.

>roger had to unsub. 

Roger was obnoxious, insulting and unable to credibly defend his position
anymore. Besides, he cared much more about debating this issue on the
-AT--list (and drawing me into it in the process) than any Kosovar he knew.   

>Someone needs to confront the serb/lefty propoganda that passes for fact

wow, what a trooper you are.



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