File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 738

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 12:57:29 +0100
From: mokey <>
Subject: guns go bang

hello andrew.  good to see some people from the southern hemisphere joining
yes, we've had this argument about guns before on the list, and as i
recall, there was a lot of unpleasantness.  as far as i remember, the
americans were generally for them and the europeans against.  but i really
don't want to start off another guns-are-good vs. guns-are-bad thread.  the
guns (oh no, here i go) are a problem, there's no doubting it, but another
major problem is the whole attitude of american society.  there are so many
expectations and americanisms (unfair i know, but true) which crop up in US
society that it's not surprising when crazy stuff like this happens.
we see it all the time on the -AT--list.  little schoolpunks who think that
they're being deftly original by shouting out "fuck the system" (in capital
letters) at the top of their little angry heads.
america's really gotta chill out and kids should be thought that it's their
minds that can perform the most subversive acts, not pistolas and pipebombs.


>I'd have to ageree with Colin.  Guns are stupid and furthermore anybody who
>claims to be anti establishment should realise that weapons and the trade
>of weapons are the bottom line of our increasingly fucked up society.
>Also it could be said that violence and killing is the ultimate form of
>authoritarian behaviour.  As for high schools in the states, the guns must
>be a big worry.  If some of the little bad asses I went to school with in
>NZ had guns then we would have the exact same problem here.


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