File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 749

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 22:41:15 EDT
Subject: Re: Hello

In a message dated 4/17/99 10:48:46 PM EST, 

<< Hi there.  I am the entity known as the Lorax.  I reside in New 
 Zealand at the bottom of the south pacific ocean and I have just 
 joined the list.  I'm interested to hear from freedom oriented people 
 from all over the globe.  I'd really like to build a good list of 
 contacts.  I for one am sick and tired of the corrupt and autocratic 
 government of this country, but I realise that nationalism is not the 
 answer.  Our Government is the client state of big international 
 interests and has had its lips firmly attached to their buttocks for 
 quite some time.
 Down with nations and flag masturbation.
 Free thinking life forms unite to save Gaia.
 Peace and Liberty to all,
                                            The Lorax.

Can I be the first to say welcome is someone hasnt already?  Also to inform 
you not everyone on this list is an anarchist.  It makes discussions nice.  
On a norm, we tend not to really "trash" the government, but more question 
their motives.  I think it will be interesting to hear from someone residing 
in New Zealand.  Welcome again


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