File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 754

Subject: RE: questions
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:09:36 +0200

russ wrote:
"Lets see if I can best explain why.  Knowledge we get from school is
pointless after grade school.  If I am every working for a company and my
boss says "Quickly! Tell me the solution to X in this quadratic equation!" I
need a different job.  The only reason I, personally am continuing with my
education is for the diploma.  It is much easier to a job with having that
one piece of paper.  I also look at it as I've gone 10 years, so whats 2

Uh, like my philosophy teacher once said, well, I believe it was quite true,
he said that we are going to school not to learn things (ah, I mean not to
learn u know the standard things people believe one does learn... ) but to
learn how to follow orders and keep quite...
Hehe, asking myself why I am continuing with my education, probably because
I like about three of the classes we got (uh, these are let's say maximum
then lessons out of forty... hmmm, something wrong?)... they're pretty
interesting... whether I wanna make the diploma... uh, I don't care... ok,
my mom does care... she bribed me to stay... and else she blackmailed me
that I'd have to pay back the costs... damn it... would be a good reason to
stop the whole shit.. but I like my friends...  to be honest.. I don't give
a shit whether to get a good job, well, don't wanna go to university... I'll
probably educate myself... discussing here is part of this education...
bowing to all of u... I'll just try to work what I really can and like (damn
it... will I be a poet? Or a independent biologist? Doing anarchist
biology..?)... well.. .gotta stop now...
++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
> ++++ if you agree copy these 3 sentences in your own sig ++++
++++ see: ++++
----- and maybe every other execution, too, and do not forget what Anton
Tschechow said:------
"Ich bin zutiefst überzeugt, dass man in fünfzig oder hundert Jahren unsere
lebenslangen Zuchthausstrafen mit demselben Staunen und Schauder betrachten
wird, den wir heute empfinden, wenn wir uns vergegenwärtigen, wie man früher
Nasen durchlöcherte oder einen Finger an der linken Hand abhackte."

"Die Moral ist der Eckstein und das Fundament eines glücklichen Lebens. Es
gibt keine äussere Moral, innwendig ist der Richter über gut und böse. Und
ginge ich bis ans Ende der Welt, das Gewissen begleitet mich überallhin. Und
ist die ganze Welt gegen mich, ich will sie besiegen, wenn mein Gewissen mir
recht gibt."
--Max Daetwyler


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