File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 757

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:43:55 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: FWD: On Resistance and desertation in Yugoslavia, 20 April 99

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Joshua Houk wrote:

> Fowarded by request from Nico...

I don't blame you, Josh, I know you were just forwarding.  So let me say
to Nico, Nico?  There is some stuff wirth reading and some not so wirth
it, and the idea that the war is a conspiracy between Milosevic and the U$
envoy is to be truthful, not wirth it.

A couple of things in all of those ramblings are wirth merit, in
particular the covering up of casualties by both sides as Chris said he
thought Apaches took ground pounders to lazer the targets.  I said not
necessarily as there is a Kiowa helicopter specially designed for
targeting.  Now though the Serbs are hiding their armor +inside+ of
buildings and it will take people on the ground to find them.

According to Janes Weekly

U$ sources have admitted NATO Special Operations teams are already inside
of Kosovo.

One thing to look for is the hiding of caaualties from these teams and
also from the air war.  The Nighthawk crash in Kentucky yesterday could be
an example.  Once when I was defending you all from the Twin Commie
Monoliths a Huey supply chopper from Ft. Lewis crashed in the desert of
Camp Yakima, Washington.  Every supply sergeant on Ft. Lewis then reported
that anything they were missing and were responsible for had been on that
Huey.  Our Battery First Sergeant said according to the things reported
destroyed in the crash, the Huey was carrying 72 ton of equipment.

So what we need to watch is a lot of "training accident" casualties being
reported.  Last week there were a few marines killed, this week a few
soldiers, next week, who knows?



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