File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 758

From: "Andy" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 17:22:21 +0000
Subject: Re: Brixton bomb/Combat 18

> >Anyway, we shall see. Given our  record with finding  bombers, 
> >we'd may as well start the campaign now to release  whoever 
> >they eventually arrest. I for one won't be touching  playing cards in 
> >the near future.


> after the lawrence case i would have thought that the authorities would be
> real scared about how dangerous extreme right wing groups could be.  this
> probably points away from any organised group (like the fuzzy headed lads
> at combat 18).  mi5 must be all over their asses, so wouldn't they know if
> shit like this was going down.  unless you believe in huge big conspiracies
> that is.  in reality it was probably aliens in cahoots with rogue
> self-styled neo grudge conservatives in the secret service who have links
> with the royal family... and that's not even mentioning the cuban mafia.

I hear today that they've contacted Interpol, so they really haven't 
got a clue. Also on the Beeb today, apparently 3 other nazi groups 
have claimed responsibility. One, as you say, was probably the 
Clarence House Gang. I bet a white Fiat Uno was involved. I've also 
had my doubts about that well known Austrian  Princess Michael of 
Kent because she's:

a] an Austrian of a certain age and blond[e]
b] a Princess
c] got a bloke's name, but wears womens' clothes c/f J Edgar Hoover
d]... when was Kent a country and how can it have a princess?

Apologies to all Austro-Kentish cross-dressers with tiaras on the 
list, if this offends.



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