File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 782

Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:12:59 -0500
From: Sandi & Scott Spaeth <>
Subject: Re: Rough Justice

At 03:40 PM 4/24/99 -0400, wrote:

>What suprised me is that they don't have anyone to disagree with because the 
>killers themselves are dead.  Why? What was their motivation to take everyone 
>who ever pissed them off out, before killing themselves anyway?  They aren't 
>even here to see the devistation they caused.  

The thing is, suicide gives them the chance to live out their psychotic
fantasies without having to deal with the consequences.  I was pretty much of a
hate-filled loner in my early teenage years, but instead of the natural-born
killer fantasy, I went to a military high school and planned to join the
Marines (Force Recon) and then on to being a federal agent where I would get to
shoot bad guys without consequences.  In the end, I got laid, transfered out of
the military school over some insubordination problems, and learned to relax. 
I seriously doubt these kids would have gone off the deep end if they had had
regular and fulfilling sex lives.  It's just a hunch, but did anybody notice
that Clinton became much more internationally beligerant once he felt compelled
to distance himself from Monica?

Make love, not war.  Good advice then, good advice now.


Hard Luck S.C.
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