File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 785

From: "kurt svensson" <>
Subject: (en) free mumia demo in stockholm
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:58:42 PDT

24 april 1998

free mumia demo in stockholm

on saturday april 24, 1999, approximately 500 anarchist and leftists protesters gathered and demonstrated in support of the struggle to free mumia abu-jamal. gathering in the shadow of a pro-serbian, anti-nato demonstration in the city centre, the protesters began their 50 minute march to the american embassy. the demonstration slowly moved through crowed shopping streets on this sunny, spring day with chants of "free mumia" and "solidarity with all political prisoners". amongst  red & blackand black flags were banners for anarkistiska svarta hammaren - abc-sweden, antifascistisk aktion, antifa västerås and several "free mumia" and "stop the execution" banners. the demonstration stopped at three separate occasions in order to gain momentum and confuse police escorts. after moving from the central shopping district and into the exclusive residential area of östermalm, the demonstration gathered extra police escorts in the form of mounted officers. as the demonstration neared the embassy area, the police presence increased and the demonstration "took the scenic route" through a park area in order to enter the embassy compound from the rear. the police had erected riot barriers and these were half-heartedly stormed by the forward portion of the demonstration. after violence from the police, minor skirmishes with the crowd and the arrest of two comrades, the protesters began dancing to exotic drum beats before finally turning the demonstration around and leaving the embassy area.

during this weekend, a special working seminar is being held by anarkistiska svarta hammaren - abc-stockholm, to better organise the political prisoner struggle in sweden.

free all political prisoners!

kurt svensson 
c/o brand 
box 150 15 
s-104 65 stockholm 
-för revolution i vår livstid-   

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