File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 788

Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 11:27:15 -0400
From: lbekich-AT-MNSi.Net (Larry Bekich)
Subject: Re: colorado shootings

>In a message dated 4/20/99 11:31:52 PM EST, lbekich-AT-MNSi.Net writes:
><< Why is it these mass killings seem to always happen in schools or post
> offices?  Why doesn't someone ever go berserk in an office tower?   Y'know,
> and take out some corporate scum.
> Larry Bekich >>
>They go berserk in office towers too.  It's just that office towers are high
>enough to jump out of and do some damage.

What, you make them walk the plank off the edge of the roof?

>Your coworkers also usually dont
>antagonize you to the point of rage.

I disagree.   Co-workers do, on occasion, "antagonize to the point of
rage."  Bosses antagonize even more so.  But it never seriously occurs to
most of us to bring physical harm to co-workers.  Emotional or
psychological harm--yes.  The negative consequences of inflicting physical
harm on others are usually deemed too great, so we don't obey those



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