File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 79

Date: 02 Apr 1999 08:38:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: The Anarchist Attitude To War

Hi roger and all,

> perhaps from the purity of your perch atop mount anarchy
> you can see no difference between one evil and another, but the world is
> full of nasty little compromises that militate against such convenient
> and no doubt useful generalizations.

Anarchist's are "normaly" full inside life and not "atop mount anarchy".  
Prinicipely there is in fact no diffrent between one "evil and another",  
both are force and oppression, but it is our history experience out of  
this century that democratic rights, human rights who based in a constitu-  
tion are *more useful* for a emanzipation in an anarchist manner than the  
ways of living in a dictatur or absolut monarchy (see the german and spa- 
nish history).

All anarchists are on the base democrates, but not all democrates are  
anarchists. They use fact the compromise between their  
daily life and *a not anarchist* society. To fight for democratic rights  
could be the first step of mass emanzipation on the way to anarchy.

> if the allied army could have
> acted earlier in wwII to stop the Holocaust then that would have been a
> very very very good thing.  fuck anarchist theory.

Sorry, roger, it seems that you here miss the central point of our anar-  
chist theory/philosophy: to look, how the reality is and how this reality  
could be. Anarchist doesn't try to overbear and overlay their theory other  
people, they act "in correspondence to the emanzipation of people, which  
they show in their given daily live" (P. Kropotkin). They try to overhaul  
or to overtake with their theory the emanzipation of the people.

If there is a Holocaust or genocide and if there is no other corrective to  
make the freedom without hurt and pain for jews and others possible, than  
anarchists have to acept the method of military force against this deny of  
human dignity, because this show the given emanzipation of people inside  
of the limits, how their historical reality is and today could be. Anar- 
chists fight *in correspondence with* their theory against the fascist  
barbary and at the same moment sometimes for an anarchist world (see Spain  
1936), if the emanzipation of the people and their limits allow this.

Anarchists fight both with and not against the people. Anarchists try to  
develope the human society into an higher point of morality, freedom and  
human being. If the anarchist theory isn't able to overtake the given ema-  
nzipation of mass, than Anarchists have to change their anarchist theory;  
it is inpossible for us, to force the emanzipation of mass in the limits  
of our fixed "anarchist theory".

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