File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 793

Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 16:27:02 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: "Four-Twenty..." 

Uh, oh.  I heard on one of the Sunday talk shows that the kid who was
doing the announcements at Columbine High the morning of the shooting did
a little extra-curricular performance art and now he's in A Big Jam with
The Heat.

What he did was play a little techno music at the end of the script and
then he said "FOUR-TWENTY; FOUR-TWENTY.  I bet you all wish you were
somewhere else today."

Somehow this strikes me as the same usage of "Four-Twenty" that most of my
students indulged in all day that day, writing "4:20" and "Get High" on
everything including themselves.  Until that day I didn't even know 4-20
was Hitler's birthday, and I doubt most kids did either.  The "I bet
youwish you were somewhere else" sounds like a reference to someone who'd
rather be high. And the techno-music probably freaked the cops out since
the Trenchcoat Kids listened to headbanger neo-punk stuff and the cops
didn't know the difference.

I've got a feeling there's some kid being grilled like a toasted cheese
sandwich for advocating getting toasted at the worng time.



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