File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 797

Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:38:49 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: What is NATO doing?

Yugoslavia is not wirth the $ that NATO is dropping on it and will
continue to drop on it, period.  Now that the U$ is talking $7-10 billion
just to get through this year, throw in the French, Grrman, Brit, and
Italian contributions and we're going to see a lot of money going into
that hole.  Originally I thought NIKE and McDonalds would make it all back
for the corps within a generation after the war but that was when the
investments were low; Now Yugoslavia ain't going to be wirth 20 bucks when
this is over.

At the NATO conference the topic was/is the "expanded role for NATO in the
new millenium."  Among the things they have agreed on is taking on a
greater responsibility to end ethnic violence.

No lie.

I want to say I don't understand this.  But it looks like there is more
money to be made in weapons than I thought.  A true committment to ending
ethnic violence is a committment to perpetual war.  And a perpetual
high-tech v. lower-tech war means creating relatively bloodless perpetual
markets for all of the corporations that are getting hit by the end of the
Cold War.  The militaries of NATO have been getting smaller and smaller
but have been bigger ticket items and fewer corporations are getting the
contracts.  Will perpetual war result in more small dollar items and a
more diversified supplier list, or will high-tech perpetual war reward the
very few corporations who are playing the game right now?

Can somebody really be thinking at these levels at NATO or The Fed or the
Wield Bank, or is it just a normal evolution?



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