File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 806

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 09:25:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Tom Trouble <>
Subject: Re: Anarchy Magazine and Violence

At 07:54 PM 4/24/99 -0400, Jamal Hannah wrote:

>Yes, there is a new issue of "Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed"
>out.  The magazine is now coming out twice a year, I think.
>The issue was ok, except for the rather paranoid editorial comment by
>Jason, where he goes on about all these people attacking anarchy
>magazine.. like Fred Woodworth, etc.  Why do they care about such things?
>Obviously, people will disagree with them, but it's not some kind of
>conspiracy.  Also, Jason re-affirmed Anarchy magazines commitment to such
>things as anti-work (and thus anti-union), primitivism, a critique of
>rationalism and opposition to "civilization".

I hardly think the Anarchy editorial was in any way "paranoid".  Nor do they
ever imply there is some sort of "conspiracy" against Anarchy.  Leave that
to folks like Woodworth and his claims that Anarchy is funded by the CIA.  

I'll post a copy of the editorial and let folks decide for themselves.

>Also, if a person is anti-work, opposing unions is the last thing in the
>world they should do.  Unions are the only thing that will guarentee less

Personally, the *only* thing that has ever guaranteed less work hours are
the words "I Quit!" or "You're Fired!".  -  Tom


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