File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 816

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 17:31:19 +0100
From: mokey <>
Subject: Re: Combat 18-Bombs 'n' Braindeads

>What do you reckon Mokey?

hmm, i really am starting to be confused by the whole thing.  and someone
just told me that Jill Dando was killed outside her home this afternoon.
what the devil's going on?

one thing i will say is that this thing is new.  mini-terrorists have
finally begun to emerge from the breakdowns and schisms of larger groups,
and the crushing of any outlet for extremist behaviour (eg crackdown on
football hooliganism).  the internet and easy access to information helps
too.  this type of thing hasn't happened in the british isles up until now.
 the extreme right took their anger out with beatings and burnings - but
bombs are a lot scarier.  i don't know, did this stuff happen back when the
NF were strong in the seventies? i don't remember that far back, being but
a nipper.

i'm really getting worried.  if the peelers don't catch these guys (i
really doubt that they are girls, although some of the "best" IRA
terrorists were women), then were in for some seriously heavy shit.  i
can't imagine the black and asian communities just sitting back and taking
these punches.  and without an obvious target to retaliate against, who
knows what might happen.  after the lawrence case, ethnic minorities have
very little confidence left in the constabulary, this could destroy things

scotland yard better get their act together.  they have video footage, and
they must have people inside these type of groups.  i don't want to turn on
the news next saturday to find that someone's been killed.  



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