File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 828

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 23:38:44 EDT
Subject: Re: office towers and bosses.(was: colorado shootings)

In a message dated 4/26/99 9:37:02 PM EST, writes:

<< Damn right, I visited my bosses car with a crowbar once because I was
 having a bad day.
 MIke >>

Although harsh that may be, its a lot less armful then shooting him 
point-blank with a semi-automatic asault rifle as the people in Columbine 
High observed.  Maybe you weren't driven to the same point of insanity as the 
two boys, or maybe its just a matter of maturity and/or ablitiy to face 
consequences.  I'd most likely guess the second since we all know (at least 
we employed) that work can be very stressful, but then again I'm 16 (1-2 
years younger than the 2 boys) and I am mature enough to realize the 
consequences of killing my classmates.  I also have enough maturity to accept 
consequences for my actions (such as if I were to make the choice of wearing 
a trenchcoat in August and being a goth) and I have gained the ability to not 
let things my peers say bother me.  I do believe that their parenting had 
much to do with their choice.  I know for a fact that if I was hiding guns, 
bombs, etc. in my room, my parents would find out and I would face 
consequences.  Hell, I couldn't even hide my bong in my room for too long 
without getting caught.  Surely if their parents had paid more attention to 
their actions, they could've been stopped before they did what they did.  


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