File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 834

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:54:55 -0400
From: lbekich-AT-MNSi.Net (Larry Bekich)
Subject: re: Re: colorado shootings

>Larry writes:
>>I disagree.   Co-workers do, on occasion, "antagonize to the point of
>>rage."  Bosses antagonize even more so.  But it never seriously occurs to
>>most of us to bring physical harm to co-workers.  Emotional or
>>psychological harm--yes.  The negative consequences of inflicting physical
>>harm on others are usually deemed too great, so we don't obey those
>It never occurs to people to inflict physical harm on their bosses?  You must
>have worked with nicer bosses or more pacific co-workers than myself.  That
>most of these thoughts are never acted upon is a tribute to the coercive
>mechanisms  of state and capital, not, I think, a result of lack of rage at

You're absolutely right--rage and thoughts of violence do occur.  What I
was attempting to make clear (and didn't) is that our violence is kept in
check--we don't obey our impulses.



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