File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 844

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:38:00 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Daily Bleed: 4/27 MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT 

Web version:


MILTON! I think thy spirit hath passed away
>From these white cliffs, and high-embattled towers;
This gorgeous fiery-coloured world of ours
Seems fallen into ashes dull and grey,
And the age changed unto a mimic play
Wherein we waste our else too-crowded hours:
For all our pomp and pageantry and powers
We are but fit to delve the common clay,
Seeing this little isle on which we stand,
This England, this sea-lion of the sea,
By ignorant demagogues is held in fee,
Who love her not: Dear God! is this the land
Which bare a triple empire in her hand
When Cromwell spake the word Democracy!

 * Oscar Wilde


Author of first great modern feminist tract in English.


1174 - Marie of Champagne issues a "responsum" to the inquiry
"Can real love exist between married people?"
The answer was "No."

1509 - Pope Julius II excommunicates Italian state of Venice.

1521 - Strait No Chaser?: Natives of the Philippines ambush &
kill European explorer Ferdinand Magellan --  stomped by angry
mob for cheating at poker.

1546 - Quiet Time?: William Foxley sleeps for 14 days & 15
nights -- cause unknown.

1667 - Pound foolish?: John Milton sells *Paradise Lost*,
written after he went blind, to Samuel Simmons for 10 pounds.

1737 - Large historian Edward Gibbon lives, England.

Gibbon was smitten with Lady Elizabeth Foster, the Duke of
Devonshire's mistress. He dropped, one day, to his knees with
a proposal of marriage. When she bids him rise, the corpulent
author, after a brief struggle, is obliged to admit that he
can do no such thing.

1759 - Feminist Mary Wollstonecraft lives, Hoxton, England.

In 1792, she  wrote *A Vindication of the Rights of Women*,
one of the earliest surviving works of feminism. The treatise
will attack the social forces that suppress women as the
economic, political and intellectual inferiors to men.

Labeled "a hyena in petticoats," Wollstonecraft died at an age
prompting criticism that her death was the fitting punishment
for such strong-mindedness. For the next century, women who
similarly publish & defend their work will also damage their

1773 - Banned in Boston?:  British Parliament passes the Tea
Act (Boston won't like this).

1791 - Samuel Finley Breece Morse, US painter/inventor, lives.
The first programer to telegraph his code.

1813 - U.S. burns Toronto to the ground in an unsuccessful
attempt to gain control of Lake Ontario.

1825 - US: The first strike for the 10-hour work-day occurred
by carpenters in Boston.

1825 - US: Robert Owen sets up Utopian Socialist Colony at new
Harmony, Indiana.

1855 - Caroline Remy, known as Severine, lives, Paris. French
libertarian, feminist, pacifist, journalist of the League of
Humans Right. See *Daily Bleed* Gallery page,

1855 - Jules Jouy lives (1855-1897), Paris. Songster, poet,
anarchist, pioneer of the social song. An obsession with the
guillotine & its resulting dead lead him to madness, & he was
interned in an asylum until his death. See Patrick Biau's
recent biography, *Jules Jouy, le po=E8te chourineur*.

1861 - Did a Successful Secession Secede?:  Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Abe Lincoln suspends the
writ of habeas corpus.

West Virginia secedes from Virginia after Virginia secedes from

1865 - Free at Last?: 1,450 paroled Union POWs die when
steamer "Sultana" blows up.

The worst ship disaster in American history occurs when the
overloaded river steamer Sultana, equipped with tubular
boilers ill-suited for use in the muddy waters of the lower
Mississippi, blew up & sank near Memphis, Tennessee. Over
2,300 perished, many of them emaciated Union soldiers
returning north after being released from a Confederate prison

1882 - Ralph Waldo Emerson dies in Concord, Massachusetts.
Buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery beside Thoreau & Hawthorne.

1887 - Claude Le Maguet (known as Jean Salivas) (1887-1979).
French anarchist, pacifist militant & poet. Born April 27,
1887; died July 14, 1979, in Geneva, Switzerland. See *Daily
Bleed* Gallery page,

1894 - Trial of the French anarchist Emile Henry for bombing
the Terminus cafe February 12, 1894  & blowing up the Bons-
enfants police station, November 8, 1892. Emile Henry proudly
acknowledged his actions, reading a declaration in which he
analyzed a corrupt society & called for further revolt. The
jury finds no extenuating circumstances nor goes easy on him.

1897 - Grant's Tomb (famed of song & legend) is dedicated.

1904 - C. Day-Lewis, aka Nicolas Blake, lives (1904-1972),
Ballintubbert, Ireland. A leading British 1930s poet, critic,
educator  & mystery writer.

1932 - Hart Crane jumps overboard, a suicide at 34, while
returning by ship from Mexico.

1937 - The Check Is In the Mail.?: US Social Security system
makes its first benefit payment.

1942 - US: 16 pacifists, including A.J. Muste & Evan Thomas,
refuse to register for the draft (old guy's draft, age 45-65).

1945 - England: Three anarchist editors jailed for nine months
for "incitement to disaffection", London.

1945 - August Wilson lives, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Wrote
the Pulitzer Prize winning plays, *Fences* & *The Piano
Lesson*. Self-educated after quitting school at 15, he joined
the black aesthetic movement in the late 60s, & was cofounder
& director of Black Horizons Theatre in Pittsburgh.

1946 - James Oppenheim's poem *"Bread & Roses"* published in
Industrial Workers of the World's (IWW) *Industrial

1947 - Babe Ruth Day celebrated at Yankee Stadium & throughout
the US.

1956 - Heavyweight champ Rocky Marciano retires undefeated from

1957 - Situationist International (1957 - 1972) founding
conference in Italy, at Cosio d'Arroscia.

The founding conference was composed of eight men & women from
different European countries. Some founders of the SI came
from radical art groups that emerged around 1950 but were
still little known: COBRA, called after the magazine of a
northern-European (Copenhagen - Brussels - Amsterdam) group of
experimental artists & members from the Lettrist International in

In the 10+ years of its existence the Situationist
International had about 70 members, some of them were  Guy Debord
(F), Michéle Bernstein (F),  Christopher Gray (UK), Jaqueline
de Jong (NL), Asger Jorn (DK), Dieter Kunzelmann (D), Guiseppe
Pinot-Gallizio (I), Alexander Trocci  (UK), Raoul Vaneigem (B).

The Situationist International

Spectacle is a slogan, used by a Paris based group known as
Situationists, to describe capitalism, the state, the whole
shooting match.  Owing as much to the <a
realists  and <a href="">Dada as  <a
href="http://csf.Colorado.EDU:80/psn/marx/">Marx and <a
in/Bakuninarchive.html">Bakunin,  the Situationists starting
point was that the original working class movement had been
crushed, by the Bourgeoisie in the West and by the Bolsheviks
in the East;   Working class organizations, such as Trade
Unions and Leftist political parties had sold out to World
Capitalism; And furthermore, capitalism could now appropriate
even the most radical ideas and return them safely, in the
form of harmless ideologies to be used against the working
class which they were supposed to represent.  "A science of
situations is to be created, which will borrow elements from
psychology, statistics, urbanism and ethics.  These elements
have to run together to an absolutely new conclusion: the
conscious creation of situations."

There are numerous sites of interest, but Ken Knabb's Bureau
of Public Secrets is the best beginning place, with numerous
personal pieces, as well as collecting articles & materials of
the SI -- all well organized & accessible, with new materials
added frequently: also has a nice collection of core material,
The Mital site provides a quick useful overview & introduction
to the SI, with some contextual material,

1960 - South Korea: Student protests in the wake of rigged
elections force the resignation of  US-backed Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader President Syngman Rhee.

1962 - US: LA Negro uprising (according to "Eyes on The
Prize"). In Griffith Park, where BleedMeister used to hang out
in the mid-60s, 200 youths vs police when one is arrested for
horseplay on a merry-go-round.

1968 - US: 60,000 march against Vietnam War in New York City;
2,000 march in Seattle, Washington.

1974 - A four-hour long battle with police occurs after the
Cherry Blossom Music Festival in Richmond, Virginia.

The concert -- billed as "a day or two of fun & music,"
features Boz Scaggs, Stories, the Steve Miller Band & others.

Rioting starts when police start busting people for
possession. 76  are arrested & many others are rushed to the
first aid tents.

1974 - US: 10,000 march in Washington, D.C., calling for
impeachment of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Dick
M Nixon.

1975 - As of this last show in a five-night engagement at the
Los Angeles Sports Arena by Pink Floyd, 511 fans have been
arrested for various offenses, mostly marijuana possession.

Duh?!?: During the third night of the event, L.A. Police Chief
Ed Davis is quoted during a Rotary Club speech as saying,
"Tonight at the Sports Arena, they have a dope festival. It's
called a rock concert or something."

1977 - Soweto protest starts demonstration against South
African educational system.

1979 - US: Zuni tribe files suit against U.S. government for
New Mexico lands taken or damaged between 1846 & 1946.

1982 - US: California assemblyman Philip Wyman proposes a bill
in the state legislature requiring record companies to post
warning labels on CDs' that contain backward-recorded messages
singing the praises of Satan.

1986 - Captain Midnight (John R MacDougall) interrupts HBO
with an important public service message.

1987 - US: CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia is blockaded & shut
down by protesters of US policies in Central America &
southern Africa. 700 are busted.

1989 - First of many massive pro-democracy demonstrations in

1994 - In South Africa's first all-race elections, Nelson
Mandela & the African National Congress are swept into office.

1996 - Germany: 30,000 rally across the country for an end to
nuclear power.

1996 - Drinks On Us?: Twenty-seven arrested at Watts Bar
nuclear power plant, Spring City, Tennessee

1997 - Grave Times?: US: Seventeen activists protesting
continued funding of the School of the Americas are arrested
for digging a mass grave on Pentagon grounds.

1998 - Denmark: Over 10% of the workforce -- at least 500,000
people -- go on strike in protest of proposed social service

Companions, let's destroy all the prisons,
Those walls which lock away our desires,
That money may burn in the fire of passion,
Let's change everything so that we exchange nothing.

        ---Raoul Vaneigem

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The Daily Bleed - Sinners & Saints galore
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"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech & press, I
tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a crime."

       ---Alexander Berkman


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