File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 846

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 22:29:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jamal Hannah x342446 <>
Subject: Re: Anarchy Magazine and Violence

On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Iain McKay wrote:

> I must say that I always enjoy Anarchy:AJODA. Its a very good
> magazine. I don't agree with all of it, but I don't think its
> setting back "the movement" -- its addressing issues that
> need to be addressed and this sort of critical dialogue 
> helps all our ideas develop.

Well, I guess I cant disagree with that.  I would not like to see
Anarchy magazine dissapear.  They seem to be genuinely siscere people.
I just diasgree with some of their ideas.

> Iain
> PS and "Green anarchist" are not anarchists, imho, they are at best
> liberals (with the usual elitism and so on) and deeply vanguardist.
> Thats why they support such stupidity as the infamous "irrationalists"
> article. Their idea of a "new society" are so unappealing that no
> one would voluntarily agree to it, and so they must be "encouraged"
> by the enforced breakdown of society. Thats not anarchism. Its
> Leninism given a primtivist coating.

Yeah, I really mostly was dissapointed with the Green Anarchist
editor interview and the attacks on people who didnt support the
Unabomber. I would like people to remember that regardless of the
public's perception that he was for "anarchy", most real anarchists didnt
like or agree with him.

Anyuone who wants to join that anarchism mailing-list that carp is
on, see instructions on how to join at:

Also, Iain, which list is it that you are having an argument with
James Donald?  Can you give subscription instructions?
Is it the Spooner-L list that all the anarcho-capitalists are on?

 - Jamal


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