File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 85

Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 19:54:17 +0000
From: undercurrents <>
Subject: Music activsm !

Press release
April 3 1999
Undercurrents will release its final and 10th edition of the its award
winning alternative news-videos in two weeks time.
Undercurrents 10 will consist of the 'news that you don't see on the news'
such as radical pensioners taking action against Railtrack from destroying
the greenbelt, cannabis users taking on the law, people staging naked
protests outside parliment,  activists tearing down detention centres,  and
a chronoicle of direct action to stop Genetically modified food entering

An inspiring and potential award winning music video from activist band
'Seize the day' will also be included. The song 'WIth my Hammer' challenges
the Labour government allowing the sales of arms to repressive regimes.
As a special offer , Undercurrents will offer a FREE CD of their
controversial new song attacking the Monsanto
Corporation with the first 100 newsvideos purchased.

Defending "Food, Health and Hope"  the potentially libelous song, band
member Shannon said

"Monsanto are on the run from British consumers. Now we're stepping up our
campaign by singing their true history . That's 60 years of destroying the
 world summed up in 4 minutes of unforgettable music!"

The song is also available on their new website on

Brushing aside fears of legal action, Singer Theo said
"We know that Monsanto have a record of using legal threats to silence
opposition. This way, people can listen, enjoy, download and distribute the
song without fear. Once it's on the net, it's unstoppable."

The band are planning to perform the song outside the High Court in London
on Monday 19th April, when Monsanto will seek injunctions against GM

Contact: Theo, Seize The Day: 01458 850955, Mobile: 077 88 44 6109

Undercurrents 10 is availabe on 01865 203662 price =A312.95 plus postage
check our website on


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