File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 851

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 22:21:48 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: Anarchy Magazine and Violence

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Chuck0 wrote:

> Anyway, rumors reached me that Jamal has been attacking Anarchy magazine
> and that Carp has learned to love the bomb.

I only loved it over 50 years ago, and that was on the anarchism-list when
a bunch of revisionist-lefties started playing Holy on me. Expressing
regret at Nuking Japan was one of the crimes I evidently needed to confess
to before my bonafides could be established over there by guilty white

I've just got to the point I can't stand damn people who validate their
reputations and credentials by taking politically correct positions on
things that happened before they were born when they aren't looking the
boogieman in the eye.

It's like being against slavery and condemning everyone in the U$ for all
of the slaves that ever happened.  Did you know that best estimates are
that between 10-15 million Africans were forced into the Atlantic Passage
and that 40% of these went to Brazil, with a few scattered about S.
America, and another 40% went to the Spanish, British and French islands
in the caribbean.  Yes, there is no doubt that american chattel slavery
was a horrible crime, but how come the Brazil elite, France, the UK and
Spain aren't being asked to make reparations?

And if Arab traders really did make off with over 20 million people total
how come no one is asking Arabs to make reparations?  It ain't like Iraq
has to pay the whole bill while the sanctions are on, there's all sorts of
others around that aren't being sanctioned and have just +billions+ to

Actually, chuck0, I am really on the verge of unsubbing due mainly to a
very serious outbreak of Thin Thinking And Posturing that pawns itself
off as an "alternative" to the standard way of doing and thinking about
things.  Kosovo really has brought out the shallow in people.

I want shallow, I can watch CSPAN.



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