File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 854

From: "Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:02:09 +0000
Subject: Re: Combat 18-Bombs 'n' Braindeads

> That's an interesting little theory of yours.  maybe thatcher did provide
> an outlet for the right to express itself through non-violent means.
> although there certainly was a lot more football hooliganism in the
> eighties.  but that seemed to be unplanned.  these days the hooliganism
> seems to be orchestrated (like when they tore up our own Landsdown Road a
> few years ago at that Ire vs Eng match)

When the 30 year rule is up, I confidently expect that the Landsdown 
Rd riot will turn out to have included only about 2 thugs. All the 
rest will have been undercover detectives and sociologists operating 
as individuals - must've been the case, from the amount of analysis 
generated. You notice that when they invaded the pitch, they 
mainly danced around looking tuff?  That might explain the bombs; you 
probably can't rip up seats  in peace and quiet now without wondering 
whether you're going to be in an academic journal.


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