File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 858

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 15:43:17 +0300
From: George Fragos <>
Subject: (en) Bomb explotion kills one and injures another, 11:37 p.m.

 "A strike against Americans, NATO, imperialism and against everyone who
works for 'New World Order' was last night's bombing attack of
Revolutionary Cores, outside Atheneum Intercontinental Hotel, in Athens,
according to a notice the organisation sent to 'Athinaiki' newspaper.  As a
result of the attack Evgenia Konstandinou, 39, computers corporation
employee was killed, and Yiannis Kanavas, 26, co-worker of the killed woman
was injured.  Kanavas is being nursing and his helth is out of danger.
  "The organisation warned for the imminent explotion by calling some Media
half an hour before the explotion, but the Police 'forgott' to take the two
victims away from the area that was being evacuating at that time.  Later
on some farce phone calls were made to other major Hotels".

  "[The two victims] were both working for ALTEC, a computers company (in
which Evgenia Konstandinou was Public Releationships Manager) and were
preparing the Hotel's hall for today's third Economist magazine conference
with the subject 'Globalization:A Challenge for Greece and Europe' ".

                                          Newspaper "Athinaiki", Wednsday
04/28/1999, Athens, Greece.

[P.S. by the sender: an english translation of Revolutionary Cores notice,
with which the organisation undertakes the above bombing, will soon follow].


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