File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 862

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:41:47 -0400
From: lbekich-AT-MNSi.Net (Larry Bekich)
Subject: Re: colorado shootings

Russ responds ...

> Another public (state-run) organization.  I still maintain there is an
> over-representation of such occurences in public organizations and not
> corporations.  Unfortunately they seem to ALWAYS "off themselves."
> Larry >>
>Well in state-run organizations there isnt a lot of room for progress is
>there?  Yet in a corperation you can "climb the corporate ladder."  Perhabs
>it is the monotany of doing the same thing year after year after year that
>makes these people in public organizations snap.

I dunno--have you done much "climbing" lately?  Most people are not
climbing the corporate ladder--after all, it is a rather different looking
pyramid, with downsizing, the elimination of much middle-management, with
the resulting flattening of organizations.  I think there is plenty of
monotony in corporations. You ask employees who are left to do more work
after a bout of downsizing--they experience the monotony of overwork!
Endless overwork.

As for state-run organizations--yes, there isn't room for progress because
of the state's involvement--not because it's a public concern.  The great
deception is that public institutions are somehow inefficient and incapable
of progress--if only we could get the political bureaucrats out of the way,
then we would see progress!



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